This product includes counts of people living in certain types of households, including total population in households, average household size by age and tenure, average family size, household and family type for people under 18 years old, and total population in households by tenure. Some tables are repeated by race and ethnicity.
About this Dataset
Title | 2020 Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC) |
Description | This product includes counts of people living in certain types of households, including total population in households, average household size by age and tenure, average family size, household and family type for people under 18 years old, and total population in households by tenure. Some tables are repeated by race and ethnicity. |
Modified | 2023-11-14 12:38:48.0 |
Publisher Name | U.S. Census Bureau |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | census |
{ "identifier": "https:\/\/\/data\/id\/DECENNIALSDHC2020", "accessLevel": "public", "contactPoint": { "fn": "Census Bureau Call Center", "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]" }, "programCode": [ "006:004" ], "landingPage": "", "title": "2020 Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC)", "description": "This product includes counts of people living in certain types of households, including total population in households, average household size by age and tenure, average family size, household and family type for people under 18 years old, and total population in households by tenure. Some tables are repeated by race and ethnicity.", "language": "", "distribution": [ { "@type": "dcat:Distribution", "accessURL": "http:\/\/\/data\/2020\/dec\/sdhc", "description": "API endpoint", "format": "API", "mediaType": "application\/json", "title": "API endpoint" } ], "bureauCode": [ "006:07" ], "modified": "2023-11-14 12:38:48.0", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Census Bureau", "subOrganizationOf": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Department Of Commerce", "subOrganizationOf": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Government" } } }, "theme": "", "keyword": [ "census" ] }