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Canadian Travel to the U.S. (Canadian Statistics) Program

Monthly and annual Canadian arrivals of one or more nights to the U.S. are provided by Statistics Canada for analysis and reporting. A limited amount of U.S. resident travel to Canada is also reported at a monthly level. Monthly level data are reported by mode of transportation with a 3-4 month lag time. Annual data are made available to Tourism Industries at the end of May and a written report with graphics and spreadsheets is generally available in the late summer. The annual report analyzes travelers by province of origin, season of travel, mode of transportation, etc.

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2020-06-17
Date Created: N/A
Data Provided by:
Not Applicable
Dataset Owner: N/A

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Table representation of structured data
Title Canadian Travel to the U.S. (Canadian Statistics) Program
Description Monthly and annual Canadian arrivals of one or more nights to the U.S. are provided by Statistics Canada for analysis and reporting. A limited amount of U.S. resident travel to Canada is also reported at a monthly level. Monthly level data are reported by mode of transportation with a 3-4 month lag time. Annual data are made available to Tourism Industries at the end of May and a written report with graphics and spreadsheets is generally available in the late summer. The annual report analyzes travelers by province of origin, season of travel, mode of transportation, etc.
Modified 2020-06-17
Publisher Name International Trade Administration
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords Not Applicable
    "@type": "dcat:Dataset",
    "title": "Canadian Travel to the U.S. (Canadian Statistics) Program",
    "description": "Monthly and annual Canadian arrivals of one or more nights to the U.S. are provided by Statistics Canada for analysis and reporting. A limited amount of U.S. resident travel to Canada is also reported at a monthly level. Monthly level data are reported by mode of transportation with a 3-4 month lag time. Annual data are made available to Tourism Industries at the end of May and a written report with graphics and spreadsheets is generally available in the late summer. The annual report analyzes travelers by province of origin, season of travel, mode of transportation, etc.",
    "keyword": [
        "Not Applicable"
    "modified": "2020-06-17",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "International Trade Administration"
    "contactPoint": {
        "@type": "vcard:Contact",
        "fn": "Frank Spector",
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]"
    "identifier": "ITA-0031",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "bureauCode": [
    "programCode": [
    "license": "http:\/\/www.usa.gov\/publicdomain\/label\/1.0\/",
    "downloadURL": "https:\/\/travel.trade.gov\/research\/programs\/canada\/index.asp",
    "accrualPeriodicity": "irregular",
    "dataQuality": false,
    "language": [

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