This dataset is associated with NIST TN publication: Review of Smart Grid Standards for Testing and Certification (T&C) landscape analysis. It includes a list of 240 reviewed smart grid standards for T&C landscape analysis using a set of functional metrics that include information models and model mapping, communication protocols and protocol mapping, device physical performance, test method, guide and practice, and cybersecurity of standards. These functional metrics are used to analyze smart grid standards and their T&C program availability.
About this Dataset
Title | A Dataset Associated with NIST TN Review of Smart Grid Standards for Testing and Certification Landscape Analysis |
Description | This dataset is associated with NIST TN publication: Review of Smart Grid Standards for Testing and Certification (T&C) landscape analysis. It includes a list of 240 reviewed smart grid standards for T&C landscape analysis using a set of functional metrics that include information models and model mapping, communication protocols and protocol mapping, device physical performance, test method, guide and practice, and cybersecurity of standards. These functional metrics are used to analyze smart grid standards and their T&C program availability. |
Modified | 2019-04-15 00:00:00 |
Publisher Name | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | conformity assessment , interoperability , metrics , smart grid , standards , testing and certification (T&C). |
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