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Estimating the Effect of 16 CFR Part 1633 on Fire Outcomes: Data Release

This data set contains the data and scripts used to generate the tables in NIST Technical Note 2092. The tables as built by these scripts will differ from those in the published report in terms of formatting and will be in html, but otherwise will be identical to those in NIST Technical Note 2092.

The zip file contains five files, including R Data files containing data used in the analysis, an R Markdown script file, and R Data files containing results of the analysis.

The index.html file in the zip file contains a detailed description of the files in the zip file and detailed instructions on their use.

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2020-08-28 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
Data Provided by:
bed fires
Dataset Owner: N/A

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Table representation of structured data
Title Estimating the Effect of 16 CFR Part 1633 on Fire Outcomes: Data Release
Description This data set contains the data and scripts used to generate the tables in NIST Technical Note 2092. The tables as built by these scripts will differ from those in the published report in terms of formatting and will be in html, but otherwise will be identical to those in NIST Technical Note 2092. The zip file contains five files, including R Data files containing data used in the analysis, an R Markdown script file, and R Data files containing results of the analysis. The index.html file in the zip file contains a detailed description of the files in the zip file and detailed instructions on their use.
Modified 2020-08-28 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords bed fires , fires , fire data , fire deaths , fire injuries , fire standard effectiveness , fire standards , home fires , mattress fires , 16 CFR Part 1633
    "identifier": "ark:\/88434\/mds2-2294",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "references": [
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Stanley W. Gilbert"
    "programCode": [
    "@type": "dcat:Dataset",
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/id\/mds2-2294",
    "description": "This data set contains the data and scripts used to generate the tables in NIST Technical Note 2092. The tables as built by these scripts will differ from those in the published report in terms of formatting and will be in html, but otherwise will be identical to those in NIST Technical Note 2092.\n\nThe zip file contains five files, including R Data files containing data used in the analysis, an R Markdown script file, and R Data files containing results of the analysis.\n\nThe index.html file in the zip file contains a detailed description of the files in the zip file and detailed instructions on their use.",
    "language": [
    "title": "Estimating the Effect of 16 CFR Part 1633 on Fire Outcomes: Data Release",
    "distribution": [
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2294\/Mattress.zip.sha256",
            "mediaType": "text\/plain",
            "title": "SHA256 File for NIST TN 2092"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2294\/Mattress.zip",
            "format": "ZIP File",
            "description": "Contains the data and scripts used to generate the tables in NIST Technical Note 2092.",
            "mediaType": "application\/zip",
            "title": "NIST TN 2092"
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/doi.org\/10.18434\/mds2-2294",
            "title": "DOI Access for Estimating the Effect of 16 CFR Part 1633 on Fire Outcomes: Data Release"
    "license": "https:\/\/www.nist.gov\/open\/license",
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2020-08-28 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": [
        "Fire:Fire risk reduction"
    "issued": "2020-09-25",
    "keyword": [
        "bed fires",
        "fire data",
        "fire deaths",
        "fire injuries",
        "fire standard effectiveness",
        "fire standards",
        "home fires",
        "mattress fires",
        "16 CFR Part 1633"

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