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Hot-wire anemometer gas speed measurements in a commercial laser powder bed fusion machine

Gas speed measurements using hot-wire anemometers (HWA) on a commercial laser powder bed fusion (LBPF) machine were recorded as a function of position (X, Y, Z) and nozzle type (standard and grid).

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2022-12-13 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
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Dataset Owner: N/A

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Table representation of structured data
Title Hot-wire anemometer gas speed measurements in a commercial laser powder bed fusion machine
Description Gas speed measurements using hot-wire anemometers (HWA) on a commercial laser powder bed fusion (LBPF) machine were recorded as a function of position (X, Y, Z) and nozzle type (standard and grid).
Modified 2022-12-13 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords additive manufacturing , gas flow , anemometer , machine qualification
    "identifier": "ark:\/88434\/mds2-2857",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Jordan Weaver"
    "programCode": [
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/id\/mds2-2857",
    "title": "Hot-wire anemometer gas speed measurements in a commercial laser powder bed fusion machine",
    "description": "Gas speed measurements using hot-wire anemometers (HWA) on a commercial laser powder bed fusion (LBPF) machine were recorded as a function of position (X, Y, Z) and nozzle type (standard and grid).",
    "language": [
    "distribution": [
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2857\/Speed_grid_nozzle.csv",
            "mediaType": "text\/csv",
            "title": "Speed Measurements for Grid Nozzle"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2857\/Photos.zip",
            "description": "Photos of measurement setup, machine, and nozzles",
            "mediaType": "application\/x-zip-compressed",
            "title": "Photos"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2857\/TSI-Alnor-8465-datasheet.pdf",
            "mediaType": "application\/pdf",
            "title": "Anemometer specification"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2857\/Temperature.csv",
            "mediaType": "text\/csv",
            "title": "Temperature measurements"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2857\/Speed_standard_nozzle.csv",
            "mediaType": "text\/csv",
            "title": "Speed Measurements for Standard Nozzle"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2857\/2857_README.txt",
            "description": "Read me file",
            "mediaType": "text\/plain",
            "title": "ReadMe"
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2022-12-13 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": [
        "Manufacturing:Additive manufacturing"
    "keyword": [
        "additive manufacturing",
        "gas flow",
        "machine qualification"