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MESA Manufacturing Operation Management Maturity Assessment Tool

MESA MOM/CMM (Manufacturing Operations Management / Capability Maturity Model) Assessment Tool is a questionnaire-based tool designed to help evaluate maturity and readiness of manufacturing enterprises from the factory operation management perspective. Based on level 3 of ISA-95: Part 1 MOM processes, MOM/CMM defines evaluation criteria for four operational areas namely, productions operations management, quality operations management, inventory operations management and maintenance operations management. Each operational area consists of a set of activities including detailed scheduling, dispatching, execution management, resource management, definition management, data collection and tracking and performance analysis. With the tool, users can assess their maturity level (0 to 5) of each activity independently, i.e., they can pick and choose activities and operational areas they would like to assess in any order.

Note: The tool only works with Windows-based Microsoft Excel.

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2018-11-30 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
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Dataset Owner: N/A

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Title MESA Manufacturing Operation Management Maturity Assessment Tool
Description MESA MOM/CMM (Manufacturing Operations Management / Capability Maturity Model) Assessment Tool is a questionnaire-based tool designed to help evaluate maturity and readiness of manufacturing enterprises from the factory operation management perspective. Based on level 3 of ISA-95: Part 1 MOM processes, MOM/CMM defines evaluation criteria for four operational areas namely, productions operations management, quality operations management, inventory operations management and maintenance operations management. Each operational area consists of a set of activities including detailed scheduling, dispatching, execution management, resource management, definition management, data collection and tracking and performance analysis. With the tool, users can assess their maturity level (0 to 5) of each activity independently, i.e., they can pick and choose activities and operational areas they would like to assess in any order. Note: The tool only works with Windows-based Microsoft Excel.
Modified 2018-11-30 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords manufacturing operation management , MESA , ISA-95 , IEC 62264 , maturity model , assessment
    "identifier": "884C42D607634FA1E053245706811BE62068",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Boonserm Kulvatunyou"
    "programCode": [
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/www.nist.gov\/services-resources\/software\/mesa-manufacturing-operation-management-maturity-assessment-tool",
    "title": "MESA Manufacturing Operation Management Maturity Assessment Tool",
    "description": "MESA MOM\/CMM (Manufacturing Operations Management \/ Capability Maturity Model) Assessment Tool is a questionnaire-based tool designed to help evaluate maturity and readiness of manufacturing enterprises from the factory operation management perspective. Based on level 3 of ISA-95: Part 1 MOM processes, MOM\/CMM defines evaluation criteria for four operational areas namely, productions operations management, quality operations management, inventory operations management and maintenance operations management. Each operational area consists of a set of activities including detailed scheduling, dispatching, execution management, resource management, definition management, data collection and tracking and performance analysis. With the tool, users can assess their maturity level (0 to 5) of each activity independently, i.e., they can pick and choose activities and operational areas they would like to assess in any order.\n\nNote: The tool only works with Windows-based Microsoft Excel.",
    "language": [
    "distribution": [
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/doi.org\/10.18434\/M32068",
            "title": "DOI access to MESA Manufacturing Operation Management Maturity Assessment Tool"
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2018-11-30 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": [
        "Manufacturing:Factory operations planning and control",
        "Manufacturing:Interoperability in manufacturing",
        "Manufacturing:Manufacturing systems design and analysis"
    "keyword": [
        "manufacturing operation management",
        "IEC 62264",
        "maturity model",