This tool provides data on exports of goods from major U.S. metropolitan areas, as defined by the Bureau of the Census. These data are based on an Origin of Movement (OM) Zip-code-based series, and are therefore not comparable with an OM state-based series, like that available from TradeStats Express.
About this Dataset
Title | Metropolitan Export Series |
Description | This tool provides data on exports of goods from major U.S. metropolitan areas, as defined by the Bureau of the Census. These data are based on an Origin of Movement (OM) Zip-code-based series, and are therefore not comparable with an OM state-based series, like that available from TradeStats Express. |
Modified | 2018-10-01 |
Publisher Name | International Trade Administration |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | cities , exports , metropolitan area , NAICS , top markets |
{ "@type": "dcat:Dataset", "title": "Metropolitan Export Series", "description": "This tool provides data on exports of goods from major U.S. metropolitan areas, as defined by the Bureau of the Census. These data are based on an Origin of Movement (OM) Zip-code-based series, and are therefore not comparable with an OM state-based series, like that available from TradeStats Express.", "keyword": [ "cities", "exports", "metropolitan area", "NAICS", "top markets" ], "modified": "2018-10-01", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "International Trade Administration" }, "contactPoint": { "@type": "vcard:Contact", "fn": "Anne Flatness", "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]" }, "identifier": "DOC-4517", "accessLevel": "public", "bureauCode": [ "006:042" ], "programCode": [ "006:042" ], "license": "http:\/\/\/publicdomain\/label\/1.0\/", "downloadURL": "http:\/\/\/METRO\/SelectReports.aspx?DATA=Metro", "accrualPeriodicity": "irregular", "dataQuality": false, "landingPage": "https:\/\/\/ita-metropolitan-export-series", "language": [ "en-US" ] }