There is often a large amount of maintenance data already available for use in Smart Manufacturing systems, but in a currently-unusable form: service tickets and maintenance work orders (MWOs). Nestor is a toolkit for using Natural Language Processing (NLP) with efficient user-interaction to perform structured data extraction with minimal annotation time-cost.
About this Dataset
Title | Nestor: a toolkit for quantifying tacit maintenance knowledge, for investigatory analysis in smart manufacturing |
Description | There is often a large amount of maintenance data already available for use in Smart Manufacturing systems, but in a currently-unusable form: service tickets and maintenance work orders (MWOs). Nestor is a toolkit for using Natural Language Processing (NLP) with efficient user-interaction to perform structured data extraction with minimal annotation time-cost. |
Modified | 2018-06-01 |
Publisher Name | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | information , communication , maintenance , tribal knowledge , event sequences , training , machine learning , data cleaning , prognostics , diagnostics , visualization , decision guidance , CMMS , scheduling , investigations , nestor , smart manufacturing , manufacturing operations , manufacturing performance |
{ "identifier": "6D99882718D36079E05324570681AAD11932", "accessLevel": "public", "contactPoint": { "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]", "fn": "Thurston Sexton" }, "programCode": [ "006:045" ], "landingPage": "https:\/\/\/usnistgov\/nestor", "title": "Nestor: a toolkit for quantifying tacit maintenance knowledge, for investigatory analysis in smart manufacturing", "description": "There is often a large amount of maintenance data already available for use in Smart Manufacturing systems, but in a currently-unusable form: service tickets and maintenance work orders (MWOs). Nestor is a toolkit for using Natural Language Processing (NLP) with efficient user-interaction to perform structured data extraction with minimal annotation time-cost.", "language": [ "en" ], "distribution": [ { "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/10.18434\/T4\/1502464", "format": "text\/html", "description": "DOI Access for Nestor: a toolkit for quantifying tacit maintenance knowledge, for investigatory analysis in smart manufacturing", "title": "DOI Access for Nestor: a toolkit for quantifying tacit maintenance knowledge, for investigatory analysis in smart manufacturing" } ], "bureauCode": [ "006:55" ], "modified": "2018-06-01", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology" }, "theme": [ "Information Technology:Usability and human factors", "Manufacturing:Work force", "Manufacturing:Manufacturing systems design and analysis", "Mathematics and Statistics:Statistical analysis", "Information Technology:Data and informatics" ], "keyword": [ "information", "communication", "maintenance", "tribal knowledge", "event sequences", "training", "machine learning", "data cleaning", "prognostics", "diagnostics", "visualization", "decision guidance", "CMMS", "scheduling", "investigations", "nestor", "smart manufacturing", "manufacturing operations", "manufacturing performance" ] }