Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies
About this Dataset
Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated:
2018-09-13 00:00:00
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Title | Interlab: A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies |
Description | A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies |
Modified | 2018-09-13 00:00:00 |
Publisher Name | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | interlaboratory study , uncertainty analysis , outlier detection |
{ "identifier": "75C6467F8B205670E05324570681995A1967", "accessLevel": "public", "contactPoint": { "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]", "fn": "David Sheen" }, "programCode": [ "006:045" ], "landingPage": "https:\/\/\/od\/id\/75C6467F8B205670E05324570681995A1967", "title": "Interlab: A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies", "description": "A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies", "language": [ "en" ], "distribution": [ { "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/interlab_py\/", "format": "Python module", "description": "A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies", "title": "Interlab" }, { "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/10.18434\/T4\/1503310", "format": "text\/html", "description": "DOI Access to Interlab: A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies", "title": "DOI Access to Interlab: A python module for consensus analysis in interlaboratory studies" } ], "bureauCode": [ "006:55" ], "modified": "2018-09-13 00:00:00", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology" }, "theme": [ "Information Technology:Software research", "Mathematics and Statistics" ], "keyword": [ "interlaboratory study", "uncertainty analysis", "outlier detection" ] }