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Brignac et al. Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor Supporting Information

Supporting information documents for Brignac et al manuscript entitled, "Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor." Files include raw data tables of each debris item that was categorized and measured as well as additional figures of interpreted data.

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Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2019-05-29 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
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Table representation of structured data
Title Brignac et al. Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor Supporting Information
Description Supporting information documents for Brignac et al manuscript entitled, "Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor." Files include raw data tables of each debris item that was categorized and measured as well as additional figures of interpreted data.
Modified 2019-05-29 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords plastic , polymers , pollution , marine debris , Hawaii , environment , ocean
    "identifier": "8A113AEB4BC110BCE05324570681DBE22076",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Jennifer Lynch"
    "programCode": [
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/id\/8A113AEB4BC110BCE05324570681DBE22076",
    "title": "Brignac et al. Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor Supporting Information",
    "description": "Supporting information documents for Brignac et al manuscript entitled, \"Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor.\"  Files include raw data tables of each debris item that was categorized and measured as well as additional figures of interpreted data.",
    "language": [
    "distribution": [
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/8A113AEB4BC110BCE05324570681DBE22076\/Brignac%20et%20al_Supporting%20info%20Tables%205-29-19.xlsx.sha256",
            "mediaType": "text\/plain",
            "title": "SHA256 File for Brignac et al Supporting Information Tables"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/8A113AEB4BC110BCE05324570681DBE22076\/Brignac%20et%20al_Supporting%20info%20Tables%205-29-19.xlsx",
            "format": "Microsoft Excel",
            "description": "Tables of raw data concerning Hawaiian marine debris type, size, weight, color, and polymer identifications.",
            "mediaType": "application\/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
            "title": "Brignac et al Supporting Information Tables"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/8A113AEB4BC110BCE05324570681DBE22076\/Brignac%20et%20al_Supporting%20info%20Figures%205-29-2019.docx.sha256",
            "mediaType": "text\/plain",
            "title": "SHA256 File for Brignac et al Supporting Information Figures"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/8A113AEB4BC110BCE05324570681DBE22076\/Brignac%20et%20al_Supporting%20info%20Figures%205-29-2019.docx",
            "format": "Microsoft Word",
            "description": "Additional figures about plastic marine debris found in Hawaii to support Brignac et al manuscript, entitled, \"Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor.\"",
            "mediaType": "application\/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
            "title": "Brignac et al Supporting Information Figures"
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/doi.org\/10.18434\/M32076",
            "title": "DOI Access for Brignac et al. Marine Debris Polymers on Main Hawaiian Island Beaches, Sea Surface, and Seafloor Supporting Information"
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2019-05-29 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": "",
    "keyword": [
        "marine debris",