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Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database

The MaCFP Condensed Phase Subgroup has been designed to enable the fire research community to make significant progress towards establishing a common framework for the selection of experiments and the methodologies used to analyze these experiments when developing pyrolysis models. Experimental measurements prepared for the MaCFP Condensed Phase Working Group are submitted electronically by participating institutions and are organized and made publicly available in the MaCFP repository, which is hosted on GitHub [https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db]. This database is version controlled, with each addition to (or edit of) measurement data saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag). The repository was created and is managed by members of the MaCFP Organizing Committee.As of October, 2021, the MaCFP Condensed Phase Material Database contains measurement data from more than 200 unique experiments (conducted under 35 different test conditions on the same exact poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA). All measurement data submitted by each institution is organized in a single folder with the institution's name. A consistent file naming convention is used for all test data (i.e., across all folders). File names indicate the institution name, experimental apparatus, and basic test conditions (e.g., gaseous environment and incident heat flux or heating rate). Measurement data from repeated experiments is saved in separate, ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) files, each numbered sequentially. Written description of sample preparation, test setup, and test procedure (which define the conditions associated with the experiments conducted) are included in each folder as a README.md file; this file is automatically interpreted by GitHub as Markdown (.md) text and provides a brief description of an institution's data.-------------How to cite this data-------------You may cite the use of this data as follows:Batiot, B., Bruns, M., Hostikka, S., Leventon, I., Nakamura, Y., Reszka, P., Rogaume, T., Stoliarov, S., Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database, https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db, Commit Tag: [give commit; e.g., 7f89fd8], https://doi.org/10.18434/mds2-2586 (Accessed: [give download date])This data is publicly available according to the NIST statements of copyright, fair use and licensing; see:https://www.nist.gov/director/copyright-fair-use-and-licensing-statemen… History---------------The MaCFP repository, which is hosted on GitHub [https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db], is version controlled, with each addition (or edit) saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag). When citing this database, you must include the commit tag that identifies the version of the repository you are working with.-------------------Experiments Conducted------------------------ 1. Milligram-Scale Tests: -----1.1 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)1.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)1.3 Microscale Combustion Calorimetry (MCC)----- 2. Gram-Scale Tests -----2.1 Cone Calorimeter2.2 Anaerobic Gasification2.3 Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity (Hot Disk and Laser Flash)--------------How to interpret and use data in this repository for pyrolysis model calibration and validation--------------Further information regarding the use and interpretation of the data in this repository is available online: https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db/tree/master/Non-charring/PMMAThis information includes: Key factors influencing material response during testsOutlier Criteria: Identification of clearly incorrect behavior in measurement data--------------------------Methodological Information--------------------------A preliminary summary of the measurement data contained in this repository is available online: https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db/releases

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2021-04-22 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
Data Provided by:
Dataset Owner: N/A

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Title Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database
Description The MaCFP Condensed Phase Subgroup has been designed to enable the fire research community to make significant progress towards establishing a common framework for the selection of experiments and the methodologies used to analyze these experiments when developing pyrolysis models. Experimental measurements prepared for the MaCFP Condensed Phase Working Group are submitted electronically by participating institutions and are organized and made publicly available in the MaCFP repository, which is hosted on GitHub [https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db]. This database is version controlled, with each addition to (or edit of) measurement data saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag). The repository was created and is managed by members of the MaCFP Organizing Committee.As of October, 2021, the MaCFP Condensed Phase Material Database contains measurement data from more than 200 unique experiments (conducted under 35 different test conditions on the same exact poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA). All measurement data submitted by each institution is organized in a single folder with the institution's name. A consistent file naming convention is used for all test data (i.e., across all folders). File names indicate the institution name, experimental apparatus, and basic test conditions (e.g., gaseous environment and incident heat flux or heating rate). Measurement data from repeated experiments is saved in separate, ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) files, each numbered sequentially. Written description of sample preparation, test setup, and test procedure (which define the conditions associated with the experiments conducted) are included in each folder as a README.md file; this file is automatically interpreted by GitHub as Markdown (.md) text and provides a brief description of an institution's data.-------------How to cite this data-------------You may cite the use of this data as follows:Batiot, B., Bruns, M., Hostikka, S., Leventon, I., Nakamura, Y., Reszka, P., Rogaume, T., Stoliarov, S., Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database, https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db, Commit Tag: [give commit; e.g., 7f89fd8], https://doi.org/10.18434/mds2-2586 (Accessed: [give download date])This data is publicly available according to the NIST statements of copyright, fair use and licensing; see:https://www.nist.gov/director/copyright-fair-use-and-licensing-statements-srd-data-and-software---------------Version History---------------The MaCFP repository, which is hosted on GitHub [https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db], is version controlled, with each addition (or edit) saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag). When citing this database, you must include the commit tag that identifies the version of the repository you are working with.-------------------Experiments Conducted------------------------ 1. Milligram-Scale Tests: -----1.1 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)1.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)1.3 Microscale Combustion Calorimetry (MCC)----- 2. Gram-Scale Tests -----2.1 Cone Calorimeter2.2 Anaerobic Gasification2.3 Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity (Hot Disk and Laser Flash)--------------How to interpret and use data in this repository for pyrolysis model calibration and validation--------------Further information regarding the use and interpretation of the data in this repository is available online: https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db/tree/master/Non-charring/PMMAThis information includes: Key factors influencing material response during testsOutlier Criteria: Identification of clearly incorrect behavior in measurement data--------------------------Methodological Information--------------------------A preliminary summary of the measurement data contained in this repository is available online: https://github.com/MaCFP/matl-db/releases
Modified 2021-04-22 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords Fire Modeling , Material Flammability , Material Properties , Pyrolysis
    "identifier": "ark:\/88434\/mds2-2586",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Isaac Leventon"
    "programCode": [
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/id\/mds2-2586",
    "title": "Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database",
    "description": "The MaCFP Condensed Phase Subgroup has been designed to enable the fire research community to make significant progress towards establishing a common framework for the selection of experiments and the methodologies used to analyze these experiments when developing pyrolysis models. Experimental measurements prepared for the MaCFP Condensed Phase Working Group are submitted electronically by participating institutions and are organized and made publicly available in the MaCFP repository, which is hosted on GitHub [https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db]. This database is version controlled, with each addition to (or edit of) measurement data saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag). The repository was created and is managed by members of the MaCFP Organizing Committee.As of October, 2021, the MaCFP Condensed Phase Material Database contains measurement data from more than 200 unique experiments (conducted under 35 different test conditions on the same exact poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA). All measurement data submitted by each institution is organized in a single folder with the institution's name. A consistent file naming convention is used for all test data (i.e., across all folders). File names indicate the institution name, experimental apparatus, and basic test conditions (e.g., gaseous environment and incident heat flux or heating rate). Measurement data from repeated experiments is saved in separate, ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) files, each numbered sequentially. Written description of sample preparation, test setup, and test procedure (which define the conditions associated with the experiments conducted) are included in each folder as a README.md file; this file is automatically interpreted by GitHub as Markdown (.md) text and provides a brief description of an institution's data.-------------How to cite this data-------------You may cite the use of this data as follows:Batiot, B., Bruns, M., Hostikka, S., Leventon, I., Nakamura, Y., Reszka, P., Rogaume, T., Stoliarov, S., Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database, https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db, Commit Tag: [give commit; e.g., 7f89fd8], https:\/\/doi.org\/10.18434\/mds2-2586 (Accessed: [give download date])This data is publicly available according to the NIST statements of copyright, fair use and licensing; see:https:\/\/www.nist.gov\/director\/copyright-fair-use-and-licensing-statements-srd-data-and-software---------------Version History---------------The MaCFP repository, which is hosted on GitHub [https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db], is version controlled,  with each addition (or edit) saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag). When citing this database, you must include the commit tag that identifies the version of the repository you are working with.-------------------Experiments Conducted------------------------ 1. Milligram-Scale Tests: -----1.1 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)1.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)1.3 Microscale Combustion Calorimetry (MCC)----- 2. Gram-Scale Tests -----2.1 Cone Calorimeter2.2 Anaerobic Gasification2.3 Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity (Hot Disk and Laser Flash)--------------How to interpret and use data in this repository for pyrolysis model calibration and validation--------------Further information regarding the use and interpretation of the data in this repository is available online: https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db\/tree\/master\/Non-charring\/PMMAThis information includes: Key factors influencing material response during testsOutlier Criteria: Identification of clearly incorrect behavior in measurement data--------------------------Methodological Information--------------------------A preliminary summary of the measurement data contained in this repository is available online: https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db\/releases",
    "language": [
    "distribution": [
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db",
            "format": "A version controlled, Github repository with each addition to (or edit of) measurement data saved with a unique identifier (i.e., commit tag).  Measurement data from repeated experiments is saved in separate, ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) files, each numbered sequentially.",
            "description": "The MaCFP Condensed Phase Subgroup has been designed to enable the fire research community to make significant progress towards establishing a common framework for the selection of experiments and the methodologies used to analyze these experiments when developing pyrolysis models. As of October, 2021, the MaCFP Condensed Phase Material Database contains measurement data from more than 200 unique experiments (conducted under 35 different test conditions on the same exact poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA). All measurement data submitted by each institution is organized in a single folder with the institution's name. A consistent file naming convention is used for all test data (i.e., across all folders). File names indicate the institution name, experimental apparatus, and basic test conditions (e.g., gaseous environment and incident heat flux or heating rate). Measurement data from repeated experiments is saved in separate, ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) files, each numbered sequentially. Written description of sample preparation, test setup, and test procedure (which define the conditions associated with the experiments conducted) are included in each folder as a README.md file; this file is automatically interpreted by GitHub as Markdown (.md) text and provides a brief description of an institution's data.",
            "title": "The MaCFP Condensed Phase Material Database"
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/github.com\/MaCFP\/matl-db\/releases",
            "format": ".pdf documents",
            "description": "This page contains untracked files that provide summaries and\/or written descriptions of the measurement data contained in the Material Flammability database and presented at MaCFP Workshops.",
            "title": "README: Summary documents and Presentations"
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2021-04-22 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": [
        "Fire:Fire dynamics and science",
        "Fire:Fire modeling",
        "Fire:Materials flammability"
    "keyword": [
        "Fire Modeling",
        "Material Flammability",
        "Material Properties",

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