The survey covers all public school systems that provide elementary or secondary education (PK-12). The data include revenue by source (local property tax, monies from other school systems, private tuition and transportation payments, school lunch charges, direct state aid, and federal aid passed through the state government), expenditure by function and object (instruction, support service functions, salaries, and capital outlay), indebtedness, and cash and investments.
About this Dataset
Title | 2012 Public Elementary-Secondary Education Finance: Individual Unit Tables |
Description | The survey covers all public school systems that provide elementary or secondary education (PK-12). The data include revenue by source (local property tax, monies from other school systems, private tuition and transportation payments, school lunch charges, direct state aid, and federal aid passed through the state government), expenditure by function and object (instruction, support service functions, salaries, and capital outlay), indebtedness, and cash and investments. |
Modified | 2014-09-30 |
Publisher Name | U.S. Census Bureau |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | census |
{ "identifier": "http:\/\/\/data\/id\/pubschlfin2012", "accessLevel": "public", "contactPoint": { "fn": "Public Elementary-Secondary Education Finance", "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]" }, "programCode": [ "006:000" ], "landingPage": "", "title": "2012 Public Elementary-Secondary Education Finance: Individual Unit Tables", "description": "The survey covers all public school systems that provide elementary or secondary education (PK-12). The data include revenue by source (local property tax, monies from other school systems, private tuition and transportation payments, school lunch charges, direct state aid, and federal aid passed through the state government), expenditure by function and object (instruction, support service functions, salaries, and capital outlay), indebtedness, and cash and investments.", "language": "", "distribution": [ { "@type": "dcat:Distribution", "accessURL": "http:\/\/\/data\/2012\/pubschlfin", "description": "API endpoint", "format": "API", "mediaType": "application\/json", "title": "API endpoint" } ], "bureauCode": [ "006:07" ], "modified": "2014-09-30", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Census Bureau", "subOrganizationOf": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Department Of Commerce", "subOrganizationOf": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Government" } } }, "theme": "", "keyword": [ "census" ] }