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Protist carbon from microscopy samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018 (NCEI Accession 0278704)

This dataset contains biological, chemical, and physical data collected on R/V Nancy Foster during cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-05-11 to 2018-05-19. These data include biomass carbon and depth. The instruments used to collect these data include CTD profiler, Camera, Inverted Microscope, and Niskin bottle. These data were collected by Michael R. Landry of University of California-San Diego as part of the "Collaborative Research: Mesoscale variability in nitrogen sources and food-web dynamics supporting larval southern bluefin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean (BLOOFINZ-IO)" project and "Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)" program. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NCEI on 2021-06-04.

The following is the text of the dataset description provided by BCO-DMO:

Protist Carbon

Dataset Description:
Acquisition Description:
This dataset is from CTD hydrocasts in the Gulf of Mexico from R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018, which were part of a NOAA RESTORE project (aka: BLOOFINZ-GoM) to investigate the epipelagic marine nitrogen cycle, plankton dynamics, and impacts on growth and survival of larval Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ABT). These data are meant to be used in inter-species, interregional comparisons to data from the BLOOFIN-IO study of larval Southern Bluefin Tuna in the Indian Ocean spawning region.

Seawater samples (500 mL) for analysis by epifluorescence microscopy (EPI) were preserved with 260 µL of alkaline Lugol's solution, 10 mL 0.08M borax-buffered 10% formalin and 500 µL 0.19M sodium thiosulfate (Sherr and Sherr, 1993), and stained with 1 mL of proflavin (0.33% w/v) and 1 mL of DAPI (0.01 mg mL-1) prior to filtering. Subsamples of 50 mL were filtered onto 25-mm, black, 0.8-µm pore polycarbonate filters to enumerate small cells at 630X magnification. The remaining 450 mL was filtered onto 25-mm, black, 8.0-µm pore polycarbonate filters to count larger cells at 200X. Each filter was mounted onto a glass slide using Type DF immersion oil and a No. 2 cover slip.

The slides were imaged and digitized using an automated Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted epifluorescence microscope, with an AxioCam MRc black and white 8-bit CCD camera (Taylor et al., 2016). Fifty random positions were imaged for each slide, with each position consisting of four fluorescent channels: Chla, DAPI (DNA stain), FITC (proflavin protein stain, cell outline) and phycoerythrin (PE). In addition, 6–7 Z-plane images were acquired at each position for each fluorescence channel. The resulting z-stack images were combined using an extended depth of field algorithm to produce one in-focus image for each position and channel (Chla, DAPI, FITC, PE). These were then false colored (red, blue, green and orange, respectively) and combined into a single composite 24-bit RGB image for each position. Cell biovolumes (BV; µm3) were determined from length (L) and width (W) measurements according to Taylor et al. (2011) from images that passed quality inspection. Image processing and analysis was carried out in Image Pro software. Carbon (C; pg cell-1) biomass was computed from BV from the equations: C = 0.216 * BV0.939 for non-diatoms, and C = 0.288 * BV0.811 for diatoms (Menden-Deuer and Lessard, 2000).

Seawater samples (150 mL) were also preserved with 5% acid Lugol's solution for separate analyses of ciliates, concentrated onto 25-mm 8.0-μm polycarbonate membranes and prepared as slides according to the protocol of Freibott et al. (2014). The slides were imaged on a Zeiss AxioVert 200 M inverted microscope at 200X magnification using brightfield illumination and processed using Image Pro software as described for EPI microscopy. Length and width measurements were used to calculate cell biovolumes (BV, µm3) based on the most appropriate cell shape, and carbon biomass was calculated as pg C = 0.19 x BV (Putt and Stoecker, 1989).

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2023-05-25T06:12:43.559Z
Date Created: N/A
Data Provided by:
Dataset Owner: N/A

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Title Protist carbon from microscopy samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018 (NCEI Accession 0278704)
Description This dataset contains biological, chemical, and physical data collected on R/V Nancy Foster during cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-05-11 to 2018-05-19. These data include biomass carbon and depth. The instruments used to collect these data include CTD profiler, Camera, Inverted Microscope, and Niskin bottle. These data were collected by Michael R. Landry of University of California-San Diego as part of the "Collaborative Research: Mesoscale variability in nitrogen sources and food-web dynamics supporting larval southern bluefin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean (BLOOFINZ-IO)" project and "Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)" program. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NCEI on 2021-06-04. The following is the text of the dataset description provided by BCO-DMO: Protist Carbon Dataset Description: Acquisition Description: This dataset is from CTD hydrocasts in the Gulf of Mexico from R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018, which were part of a NOAA RESTORE project (aka: BLOOFINZ-GoM) to investigate the epipelagic marine nitrogen cycle, plankton dynamics, and impacts on growth and survival of larval Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ABT). These data are meant to be used in inter-species, interregional comparisons to data from the BLOOFIN-IO study of larval Southern Bluefin Tuna in the Indian Ocean spawning region. Seawater samples (500 mL) for analysis by epifluorescence microscopy (EPI) were preserved with 260 µL of alkaline Lugol's solution, 10 mL 0.08M borax-buffered 10% formalin and 500 µL 0.19M sodium thiosulfate (Sherr and Sherr, 1993), and stained with 1 mL of proflavin (0.33% w/v) and 1 mL of DAPI (0.01 mg mL-1) prior to filtering. Subsamples of 50 mL were filtered onto 25-mm, black, 0.8-µm pore polycarbonate filters to enumerate small cells at 630X magnification. The remaining 450 mL was filtered onto 25-mm, black, 8.0-µm pore polycarbonate filters to count larger cells at 200X. Each filter was mounted onto a glass slide using Type DF immersion oil and a No. 2 cover slip. The slides were imaged and digitized using an automated Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted epifluorescence microscope, with an AxioCam MRc black and white 8-bit CCD camera (Taylor et al., 2016). Fifty random positions were imaged for each slide, with each position consisting of four fluorescent channels: Chla, DAPI (DNA stain), FITC (proflavin protein stain, cell outline) and phycoerythrin (PE). In addition, 6–7 Z-plane images were acquired at each position for each fluorescence channel. The resulting z-stack images were combined using an extended depth of field algorithm to produce one in-focus image for each position and channel (Chla, DAPI, FITC, PE). These were then false colored (red, blue, green and orange, respectively) and combined into a single composite 24-bit RGB image for each position. Cell biovolumes (BV; µm3) were determined from length (L) and width (W) measurements according to Taylor et al. (2011) from images that passed quality inspection. Image processing and analysis was carried out in Image Pro software. Carbon (C; pg cell-1) biomass was computed from BV from the equations: C = 0.216 * BV0.939 for non-diatoms, and C = 0.288 * BV0.811 for diatoms (Menden-Deuer and Lessard, 2000). Seawater samples (150 mL) were also preserved with 5% acid Lugol's solution for separate analyses of ciliates, concentrated onto 25-mm 8.0-μm polycarbonate membranes and prepared as slides according to the protocol of Freibott et al. (2014). The slides were imaged on a Zeiss AxioVert 200 M inverted microscope at 200X magnification using brightfield illumination and processed using Image Pro software as described for EPI microscopy. Length and width measurements were used to calculate cell biovolumes (BV, µm3) based on the most appropriate cell shape, and carbon biomass was calculated as pg C = 0.19 x BV (Putt and Stoecker, 1989).
Modified 2023-05-25T06:12:43.559Z
Publisher Name N/A
Contact N/A
Keywords 0278704 , CARBON , DEPTH - OBSERVATION , SPONGE SPECIES IDENTIFICATION , camera , CTD , microscope , Niskin bottle , biological , chemical , physical , NOAA Ship Nancy Foster , University of California - San Diego , Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office , Gulf of Mexico , oceanography , BCO-DMO > Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office , Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) , Collaborative Research: Mesoscale variability in nitrogen sources and food-web dynamics supporting larval southern bluefin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean (BLOOFINZ-IO) , NF1704 , NF1802 , Funding provided by NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) Award Number: OCE-1851558 , Funding provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award Number: NA15OAR4320071 , biomass carbon , cast , cruise id , date , depth , experiment id , latitude , longitude , no standard parameter , station , EARTH SCIENCE > BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION > ANIMALS/INVERTEBRATES > SPONGES , EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > OCEAN CHEMISTRY > CARBON , A_Crypt , A_Diat , A_Dino , A_Euk_10_20_um , A_Euk_20_40_um , A_Euk_2_5_um , A_Euk_5_10_um , A_Euk_gt_40_um , A_Euk_lt_2_um , A_Other , A_Prym , CTD , Cruise , Cycle , Date , Depth , Exp , H_Cil , H_Dino , H_Euk_10_20_um , H_Euk_20_40_um , H_Euk_2_5_um , H_Euk_5_10_um , H_Euk_gt_40_um , H_Other , Lat , Long , Station , Tot_A_Euk , Tot_H_Euk , CTD profiler , Camera , Inverted Microscope , Niskin bottle , CAMERA > CAMERA , CTD > Conductivity, Temperature, Depth , MICROSCOPES > MICROSCOPES , NISKIN BOTTLES , CTD , Niskin bottles , Zeiss AxioCam MRc black and white 8-bit CCD camera , Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted compound microscopy , R/V Nancy Foster , Ships , NANCY FOSTER (ICES code: 33NF) , OCEAN > ATLANTIC OCEAN > NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN > GULF OF MEXICO , Gulf of Mexico , environment , oceans , biota
    "identifier": "gov.noaa.nodc:0278704",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
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    "landingPage": "",
    "title": "Protist carbon from microscopy samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R\/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018 (NCEI Accession 0278704)",
    "description": "This dataset contains biological, chemical, and physical data collected on R\/V Nancy Foster during cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-05-11 to 2018-05-19. These data include biomass carbon and depth. The instruments used to collect these data include CTD profiler, Camera, Inverted Microscope, and Niskin bottle. These data were collected by Michael R. Landry of University of California-San Diego as part of the \"Collaborative Research: Mesoscale variability in nitrogen sources and food-web dynamics supporting larval southern bluefin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean (BLOOFINZ-IO)\" project and \"Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)\" program. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NCEI on 2021-06-04.\n\nThe following is the text of the dataset description provided by BCO-DMO:\n\nProtist Carbon\n\nDataset Description:\nAcquisition Description:\nThis dataset is from CTD hydrocasts in the Gulf of Mexico from R\/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018, which were part of a NOAA RESTORE project (aka: BLOOFINZ-GoM) to investigate the epipelagic marine nitrogen cycle, plankton dynamics, and impacts on growth and survival of larval Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ABT). These data are meant to be used in inter-species, interregional comparisons to data from the BLOOFIN-IO study of larval Southern Bluefin Tuna in the Indian Ocean spawning region.\n\nSeawater samples (500 mL) for analysis by epifluorescence microscopy (EPI) were preserved with 260 \u00b5L of alkaline Lugol's solution, 10 mL 0.08M borax-buffered 10% formalin and 500 \u00b5L 0.19M sodium thiosulfate (Sherr and Sherr, 1993), and stained with 1 mL of proflavin (0.33% w\/v) and 1 mL of DAPI (0.01 mg mL-1) prior to filtering. Subsamples of 50 mL were filtered onto 25-mm, black, 0.8-\u00b5m pore polycarbonate filters to enumerate small cells at 630X magnification. The remaining 450 mL was filtered onto 25-mm, black, 8.0-\u00b5m pore polycarbonate filters to count larger cells at 200X. Each filter was mounted onto a glass slide using Type DF immersion oil and a No. 2 cover slip.\n\nThe slides were imaged and digitized using an automated Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted epifluorescence microscope, with an AxioCam MRc black and white 8-bit CCD camera (Taylor et al., 2016). Fifty random positions were imaged for each slide, with each position consisting of four fluorescent channels: Chla, DAPI (DNA stain), FITC (proflavin protein stain, cell outline) and phycoerythrin (PE). In addition, 6\u20137 Z-plane images were acquired at each position for each fluorescence channel. The resulting z-stack images were combined using an extended depth of field algorithm to produce one in-focus image for each position and channel (Chla, DAPI, FITC, PE). These were then false colored (red, blue, green and orange, respectively) and combined into a single composite 24-bit RGB image for each position. Cell biovolumes (BV; \u00b5m3) were determined from length (L) and width (W) measurements according to Taylor et al. (2011) from images that passed quality inspection. Image processing and analysis was carried out in Image Pro software. Carbon (C; pg cell-1) biomass was computed from BV from the equations: C = 0.216 * BV0.939 for non-diatoms, and C = 0.288 * BV0.811 for diatoms (Menden-Deuer and Lessard, 2000).\n\nSeawater samples (150 mL) were also preserved with 5% acid Lugol's solution for separate analyses of ciliates, concentrated onto 25-mm 8.0-\u03bcm polycarbonate membranes and prepared as slides according to the protocol of Freibott et al. (2014). The slides were imaged on a Zeiss AxioVert 200 M inverted microscope at 200X magnification using brightfield illumination and processed using Image Pro software as described for EPI microscopy. Length and width measurements were used to calculate cell biovolumes (BV, \u00b5m3) based on the most appropriate cell shape, and carbon biomass was calculated as pg C = 0.19 x BV (Putt and Stoecker, 1989).",
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            "accessURL": "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/metadata\/geoportal\/\/rest\/metadata\/item\/gov.noaa.nodc%3A0278704\/html"
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            "accessURL": "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0278704"
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    "modified": "2023-05-25T06:12:43.559Z",
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    "theme": "",
    "keyword": [
        "Niskin bottle",
        "NOAA Ship Nancy Foster",
        "University of California - San Diego",
        "Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office",
        "Gulf of Mexico",
        "BCO-DMO > Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office",
        "Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)",
        "Collaborative Research: Mesoscale variability in nitrogen sources and food-web dynamics supporting larval southern bluefin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean (BLOOFINZ-IO)",
        "Funding provided by NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) Award Number: OCE-1851558",
        "Funding provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award Number: NA15OAR4320071",
        "biomass carbon",
        "cruise id",
        "experiment id",
        "no standard parameter",
        "CTD profiler",
        "Inverted Microscope",
        "Niskin bottle",
        "CAMERA > CAMERA",
        "CTD > Conductivity, Temperature, Depth",
        "Niskin bottles",
        "Zeiss AxioCam MRc black and white 8-bit CCD camera",
        "Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted compound microscopy",
        "R\/V Nancy Foster",
        "NANCY FOSTER (ICES code: 33NF)",
        "Gulf of Mexico",