The study will conduct a seven-day geophysical survey using
magnetometer, sidescan sonar, and sub-bottom profiler to identify targets. On
two subsequent six-day cruises divers will ground truth targets in an attempt to
locate and identify one or more of the lost French ships.
About this Dataset
Title | Search for the Lost French Fleet of 1565 |
Description | The study will conduct a seven-day geophysical survey using magnetometer, sidescan sonar, and sub-bottom profiler to identify targets. On two subsequent six-day cruises divers will ground truth targets in an attempt to locate and identify one or more of the lost French ships. |
Modified | 2024-08-02T17:33:39.323Z |
Publisher Name | N/A |
Contact | N/A |
Keywords | expedition , exploration , explorer , marine education , noaa , ocean , ocean discovery , ocean education , ocean exploration , ocean exploration and research , OER , ocean literacy , ocean research , science , scientific mission , scientific research , sea , stewardship , systematic exploration , technology , transformational research , undersea , underwater , archaeology , archaeological , conservation , conserve , crm , cultural resource management , historic , marine archaeology , maritime , maritime archaeology , nautical , nautical archaeology , preserve , protect , protection , submerged cultural heritage , submerged cultural resource , uch , underwater cultural heritage , French Huguenots Jean Ribault St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum French shipwreck survivor camps magnetometer Center for Historical Archaeology sidescan sonar La Trinite Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program Institute of Maritime History Bureau of Archaeological Research Southeastern Archaeological Center National Park Service La Perle La Leviere L'Epaule de Mouton L'Emerillon Armstrong Site Roper scuba diving , Canaveral National Seashore St. Augustine Tallahassee Fort Caroline Ponce Inlet Oyster Bay Pistol Point Site Silver Palm Site , oceans |
{ "identifier": "gov.noaa.ncei:LostFrenchFleet2014", "accessLevel": "public", "contactPoint": { "@type": "vcard:Contact", "fn": "Your contact point", "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]" }, "programCode": [ "010:000" ], "landingPage": "", "title": "Search for the Lost French Fleet of\t\t\t\t\t\t\t1565", "description": "The study will conduct a seven-day geophysical survey using\n\t\t\t\t\tmagnetometer, sidescan sonar, and sub-bottom profiler to identify targets. On\n\t\t\t\t\ttwo subsequent six-day cruises divers will ground truth targets in an attempt to\n\t\t\t\t\tlocate and identify one or more of the lost French ships.", "language": "", "distribution": [ { "@type": "dcat:Distribution", "mediaType": "application\/json", "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/metadata\/geoportal\/\/rest\/metadata\/item\/gov.noaa.ncei%3ALostFrenchFleet2014" }, { "@type": "dcat:Distribution", "mediaType": "text\/html", "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/metadata\/geoportal\/\/rest\/metadata\/item\/gov.noaa.ncei%3ALostFrenchFleet2014\/html" }, { "@type": "dcat:Distribution", "mediaType": "application\/xml", "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/metadata\/geoportal\/\/rest\/metadata\/item\/gov.noaa.ncei%3ALostFrenchFleet2014\/xml" }, { "@type": "dcat:Distribution", "mediaType": "application\/octet-stream", "accessURL": "https:\/\/\/themes\/custom\/ncei\/logo.svg" } ], "bureauCode": [ "010:04" ], "modified": "2024-08-02T17:33:39.323Z", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "Your Publisher" }, "theme": "", "keyword": [ "expedition", "exploration", "explorer", "marine education", "noaa", "ocean", "ocean discovery", "ocean education", "ocean exploration", "ocean exploration and research", "OER", "ocean literacy", "ocean research", "science", "scientific mission", "scientific research", "sea", "stewardship", "systematic exploration", "technology", "transformational research", "undersea", "underwater", "archaeology", "archaeological", "conservation", "conserve", "crm", "cultural resource management", "historic", "marine archaeology", "maritime", "maritime archaeology", "nautical", "nautical archaeology", "preserve", "protect", "protection", "submerged cultural heritage", "submerged cultural resource", "uch", "underwater cultural heritage", "French Huguenots Jean Ribault St. Augustine Lighthouse\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand Museum French shipwreck survivor camps magnetometer Center for\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHistorical Archaeology sidescan sonar La Trinite Lighthouse\t\t\t\t\t\t\tArchaeological Maritime Program Institute of Maritime History Bureau of\t\t\t\t\t\t\tArchaeological Research Southeastern Archaeological Center National Park\t\t\t\t\t\t\tService La Perle La Leviere L'Epaule de Mouton L'Emerillon Armstrong\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSite Roper scuba diving", "Canaveral National Seashore St. Augustine Tallahassee\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFort Caroline Ponce Inlet Oyster Bay Pistol Point Site Silver Palm\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSite", "oceans" ] }