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46147 results found

Patent Examination Research Dataset (PatEx) for Academia and Researchers (2001 - 2021)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains detailed information on 9.2 million publicly viewable patent applications filed with the USPTO through December 2021. The data are sourced from the Public Patent Application Information Retrieval (Public PAIR) system. There are several data files, each of which coincides with a tab on USPTO's Public PAIR web portal. The data files include information on each application's characteristics, prosecution history, continuation history, claims of foreign priority, patent term adjustment history, publication history, and correspondence address information.

Tags: csv,dta,stata,uspto,patent,patent application,examination,public pair,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

OCE - Patent Examination Status Codes API (Version 1)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Use this API to search Patent Examination Status Codes Dataset 2015. The Status Codes dataset includes descriptions of the status codes used to populate the appl_status_code variable in the application dataset. The descriptions can be linked to application data using this variable. There are 225 unique application status codes represented in this file. See Table A-3 in documentation for a list and brief description of the two variables included in this dataset.

Tags: uspto,patent,examination,status code,api,office of the chief economist,oce,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Patent Grant Bibliographic Text (1976 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains the bibliographic text (front page) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from January 6, 1976 to present (excludes images/drawings). Subset of the Patent Grant Full Text Data.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,ascii,sgml,xml,patent,grant,bibliographic,front page,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Patent Grant Full Text (1976 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains the full text of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from January 6, 1976 to present (excludes images/drawings). Subset of the Patent Grant Full Text Data with Embedded TIFF Images.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,ascii,sgml,xml,patent,grant,full text,chemical structures,complex work units,tables,genetic sequence,mathematical expressions,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Pftaps19760106 Wk01

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Patent Full Text/Automated Patent System (APS) (Green Book) for one week's worth of data January 6, 1976 (Week 01).

Tags: tuesday,uspto,ascii,text,aps,patent,green book,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Pftaps19760113 Wk02

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Patent Full Text/Automated Patent System (APS) (Green Book) for one week's worth of data January 13, 1976 (Week 02).

Tags: tuesday,uspto,ascii,text,aps,patent,green book,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Patent Grant Full Text Data with Embedded TIFF Images (2001 - Present) (Grant Red Book based on WIPO ST.36)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains the full text, images/drawings, and complex work units (tables, mathematical expressions, chemical structures, and genetic sequence data) of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from January 2, 2001 to present.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,sgml,xml,patent,grant,full text,chemical structures,complex work units,tables,genetic sequence,cals markup,mathml markup,mdl information systems mol files,mathematica notebook nb files,tiff,external cambridgesoft corp chemdraw cdx files,images,mathematical expressions,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Patent Grant Multi-Page PDF Images (1790 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains the images of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from July 31, 1790 to present in Portable Document Format (PDF) created from the Patent Grant Single-Page TIFF Images. Also included are older grants that have new Certificates-of-Correction (C-of-C) and rescanned images of older patent grants.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,pdf,patent,grant,image,multi-page,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Patent Grant Single-Page TIFF Images (1790 - Present) (Grant Yellow Book 2 based on WIPO ST.33)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains the images of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from July 31, 1790 to present in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Revision 6.0 with CCITT Group 4 Compression (single-page TIFFs). Includes a separate weekly Certificates-of-Correction (C-of-C) file and a daily Certificates file.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,tiff,patent,grant,image,single-page,certificates,certificates-of-correction,reexaminations,rescans,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

OCE - Patent Litigation Cases API (Version 1)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Use this API to search Patent Litigation Cases. The Patent Litigation Dataset contains detailed patent litigation data on 74,623 unique district court cases filed during the period 1963-2015. OCE collected all of the data from the Public Access to Court Electronics Records (PACER) and RECAP, an independent project designed to serve as a repository for litigation data sourced from PACER.

Tags: uspto,patent,litigation,cases,office of the chief economist,oce,api,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0