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1044 results found

High Energy Arcing Fault (HEAF) Experiments - Medium Voltage Electrical Enclosures - Video

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This dataset includes high definition video, thermal imaging video, and still images captured from the video. The video was recorded during full-scale High Energy Arcing Fault experiments in medium voltage electrical enclosures.

Tags: High Energy Arcing Fault,arc flash,electrical enclosure,electric arc,Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Scripts, data and plotting for "Simplified algorithms for adaptive experiment design in parameter estimation" v.2

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Examples of adaptive measurement protocols using optimal Bayesian experiment design. This dataset supports "Simplified algorithms for adaptive experiment design in parameter estimation", arXiv 2202.08344 and submitted to Physical Review Applied. The calculations use python package optbayesexpt, which is available from https://github.com/usnistgov/optbayesexpt. The software applies to measurements of parameters in nonlinear parametric models.

Tags: Bayesian,experiment design,experimental design,optimal design,adaptive protocol,adaptive measurement,parametric model,Ramsey,Lorentzian,particle filter,sequential Monte Carlo,utility function,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP) Condensed Phase Material Database

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The MaCFP Condensed Phase Subgroup has been designed to enable the fire research community to make significant progress towards establishing a common framework for the selection of experiments and the methodologies used to analyze these experiments when developing pyrolysis models.

Tags: Fire Modeling,Material Flammability,Material Properties,Pyrolysis,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

AM Bench 2022 challenge problem Subcontinuum Mesoscale Tensile Test (CHAL-AMB2022-04-MeTT)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

One additively manufactured (AM) laser powder bed fusion (PBF-L) Inconel 625 mesoscale tensile specimen (gauge dimensions approximately 0.2mm x 0.2 mm x 1mm) was extracted from build AMB2022-CBM-B1 specimen TH1 and tested at room temperature using a quasistatic strain rate of 0.001/s to failure.  Microstructure was measured using x-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques on the specimen gauge section or adjacent material.  Large-area electron backscatter diffraction was used to measure crystallographic texture and grain size/morphology of the entire

Tags: AM Bench,benchmark,additive manufacturing,metal,mechanical characterization,microstructure characterization,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

AM Bench 2022 challenge Macroscale Tensile Tests at Different Orientations (CHAL-AMB2022-04-MaTTO)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Additively manufactured (AM) laser powder bed fusion (PBF-L) Inconel 625 blocks were built with two different scan strategies: XY and X-only.  96 tensile specimens were extracted from blocks at different tensile axis orientations with respect to the build direction to yield the following conditions: XY scan strategy (0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degree orientation w.r.t. build direction) and X-only scan strategy (0, 60, 90 degree orientation w.r.t.

Tags: AM Bench,benchmark,additive manufacturing,metal,mechanical characterization,microstructure characterization,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Disaster Scene Description and Indexing (DSDI) Dataset

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The testing dataset used at TRECVID for the DSDI task in 2020-2022.The dataset includes public videos, ground truth and features of the DSDI task. As the task is continuing, the dataset will be continually updated.There are 32 features across 5 main categories (Environment, Vehicles, Water, Infrastructure, Damage). All videos are airborne low altitude from natural disaster events.

Tags: airborne videosvideo retrievalTRECVIDnatural disasterCAP,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Grating Lobes and Spatial Aliasing in Sparse Array Beampatterns

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Calculated beam pattern in Fourier space of a unitary input given two sparsely sampled synthetic aperture arrays: 1. a regularly spaced array sampled at 2*lambda, where lambda is the wavelength of the 40 GHz signal, and 2. the regularly spaced array with random perturbations (of order ~<lambda) to the (x,y) spatial location of each sample point. This dataset is published in "An Overview of Advances in Signal Processing Techniques for Classical and Quantum Wideband Synthetic Apertures" by Vouras, et al.

Tags: sparse array,synthetic aperture,millimeter-wave,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Dataset for optical coherence tomography for label-free cell viability measurements in 3D tissue engineering scaffolds

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

In the field of tissue engineering, 3D scaffolds and cells are often combined to yield constructs that are used as therapeutics to repair or restore tissue function in patients. Viable cells are often required to achieve the intended mechanism of action for the therapy, where the live cells may build new tissue or may release factors that induce tissue regeneration. Thus, there is a need to reliably measure cell viability in 3D scaffolds as a quality attribute of a tissue-engineered medical product.

Tags: cell viability,tissue engineered scaffolds,3D imaging,optical coherence tomography,non-invasive imaging,label-free imaging,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

NIST Infiltration Correlations for DOE Prototype Commercial Buildings

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This workbook accompanies two publications [1] Evaluating Potential Benefits of Air Barriers in Commercial Buildings using NIST Infiltration Correlations in EnergyPlus DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107783 and [2] Implementing NIST Correlations: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.TN.2221-upd1

Tags: CONTAM,EnergyPlus,airflow modeling,building envelope airtightness,commercial buildings,energy modeling,infiltration,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Validating the Integrity of Computing Devices

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

A repository of code and scripts that were developed by the NCCoE Supply Chain Assurance project team to support the defined security characteristics.

Tags: anti-counterfeiting; antitampering; asset management system; cryptography; cyber supply chainrisk management; hardware assurance; hardware roots of trust; integrity; provenance,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0