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Concentrations of ultrapure water soluble aerosol trace elements collected from bulk aerosol samples on the 2015 US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Transect on USCGC Healy (HLY1502) August to October 2015 (NCEI Accession 0277333)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This dataset contains chemical data collected on USCGC Healy during cruise HLY1502 in the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and East Siberian Sea from 2015-08-10 to 2015-10-09. These data include depth and metal concentration in atmosphere. The instruments used to collect these data include Aerosol Sampler and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. These data were collected by William M. Landing of Florida State University, Yuan Gao of Rutgers University, and Clifton S.
Modified: 2024-02-22
Water physical and chemical vertical observational data at multiple levels from fixed mooring CHRP4 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2022-05-16 to 2022-10-04 collected by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, University of Michigan. (NCEI Accession 0277100)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data in this record contains the physical and chemical vertical observational data from fixed mooring CHRP4 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2022-05-16 through 2022-10-04. The approximate depth at CHRP4 is 24.3 m. Observations were collected at hourly or sub-hourly time intervals for water temperature and dissolved oxygen. The moorings are designed in a U-shape with a spar buoy and a subsurface buoy approximately 300 ft apart. The spar buoy has a surface expression float and holds the upper water column sensors.
Modified: 2024-02-22
Water physical and chemical vertical observational data at multiple levels from fixed mooring CHRP3 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2022-05-19 to 2022-10-05 collected by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, University of Michigan. (NCEI Accession 0277101)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data in this record contains the physical and chemical vertical observational data from fixed mooring CHRP3 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2022-05-19 through 2022-10-05. The approximate depth at CHRP3 is 15.4 m. Observations were collected at hourly or sub-hourly time intervals for water temperature and dissolved oxygen. The moorings are designed in a U-shape with a spar buoy and a subsurface buoy approximately 300 ft apart. The spar buoy has a surface expression float and holds the upper water column sensors.
Modified: 2024-02-22
Water physical and chemical vertical observational data at multiple levels from fixed mooring CHRP5 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2022-05-18 to 2022-10-05 collected by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, University of Michigan. (NCEI Accession 0277020)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data in this record contains the physical and chemical vertical observational data from fixed mooring CHRP5 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2022-05-18 through 2022-10-05. The approximate depth at CHRP5 is 15.3 m. Observations were collected at hourly or sub-hourly time intervals for water temperature and dissolved oxygen. The moorings are designed in a U-shape with a spar buoy and a subsurface buoy approximately 300 ft apart. The spar buoy has a surface expression float and holds the upper water column sensors.
Modified: 2024-02-22
GHRSST Level 2P OSPO dataset v2.61 from VIIRS on the NOAA-20 satellite (GDS version 2) for 2023-03-12 (NCEI Accession 0277023)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA-20 (N20/JPSS-1/J1) is the second satellite in the US NOAA latest generation Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). N20 was launched on November 18, 2017. In conjunction with the first US satellite in JPSS series, Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) satellite launched on October 28, 2011, N20 form the new NOAA polar constellation. NOAA is responsible for all JPSS products, including SST from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS).
Modified: 2024-02-22
SAMOS project underway oceanographic and quality-controlled meteorological data collected aboard NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter from 2023-02-02 to 2023-02-09 (NCEI Accession 0277009)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data logging system on NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter recorded underway oceanographic and meteorological data from various instruments while cruising in the Gulf of Mexico and North Atlantic Ocean from 2023-02-02 to 2023-02-09. During this period, as part of the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) project, the data logging system sent the data daily via e-mail to Florida State University (FSU), where the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) quality-controlled (QCed) the meteorological data.
Modified: 2024-02-22
SAMOS project underway oceanographic and quality-controlled meteorological data collected aboard R/V THOMAS G. THOMPSON from 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28 (NCEI Accession 0277016)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data logging system on R/V THOMAS G. THOMPSON recorded underway oceanographic and meteorological data from various instruments while cruising in the North Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean from 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28. During this period, as part of the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) project, the data logging system sent the data daily via e-mail to Florida State University (FSU), where the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) quality-controlled (QCed) the meteorological data.
Modified: 2024-02-22
SAMOS project underway oceanographic and quality-controlled meteorological data collected aboard R/V Roger Revelle from 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28 (NCEI Accession 0277018)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data logging system on R/V Roger Revelle recorded underway oceanographic and meteorological data from various instruments while cruising in the Indian Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, and South Pacific Ocean from 2023-02-01 to 2023-02-28. During this period, as part of the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) project, the data logging system sent the data daily via e-mail to Florida State University (FSU), where the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) quality-controlled (QCed) the meteorological data.
Modified: 2024-02-22
Volume Transport in Straits of Florida from 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0276840)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Daily mean and raw voltage volume transport data of the Florida Current collected with a submarine cable spanning from South Florida to the Grand Bahama Island in the Florida Strait from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. These data were collected and submitted by Denis Volkov of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) as part of the Western Boundary Time Series/Florida Current Transport project. The web page for these data can be found at
Modified: 2024-02-22
Volume Transport in Straits of Florida from 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0276841)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Daily mean and raw voltage volume transport data of the Florida Current collected with a submarine cable spanning from South Florida to the Grand Bahama Island in the Florida Strait from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. These data were collected and submitted by Denis Volkov of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) as part of the Western Boundary Time Series/Florida Current Transport project. The web page for these data can be found at
Modified: 2024-02-22