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Surface underway and surface discrete measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), water temperature, salinity, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), pH, on total scale nutrients and other parameters obtained onboard the NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown during the GOMECC-4 cruise in the Gulf of Mexico and North Atlantic Ocean from 2021-09-13 to 2021-10-21 (NCEI Accession 0286818)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This dataset contains the surface underway and surface discrete measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), water temperature, salinity, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), pH, on total scale nutrients and other parameters obtained onboard the NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown during the GOMECC-4 cruise in the Gulf of Mexico and North Atlantic Ocean from 2021-09-13 to 2021-10-21. The ship departed from Key West, FL into the Gulf of Mexico and then around the coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico in a counter-clockwise direction. The cruise ended in St. Petersburg, FL.


Modified: 2024-08-20

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Orthorectified mosaic images of a coral reef near Salt River in St. Croix USVI collected on 2022-09-06 to 2022-09-07 (NCEI Accession 0286825)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This data set contains landscape mosaic images, created as a product for the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program’s (CRCP) National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP). Orthorectified mosaic images of six reef plots were captured of a coral reef near Salt River in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. Each reef plot is made up of a 10m x 10m transect area (100 m2). Landscape mosaics are a composite of many underwater images stitched together.


Modified: 2024-08-20

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide, water temperature, salinity and other variables collected from surface underway observations during the R/V Víctor Angelescu cruises in the South Atlantic Ocean in 2023 (NCEI Accession 0286984)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This dataset consists of sea surface underway measurements of partial pressure of carbon dioxide, water temperature, salinity and barometric pressure during the R/V Víctor Angelescu cruises in the South Atlantic Ocean from 2023-02-27 to 2023-06-03. The measurements were perform by investigators from Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Argentina.


Modified: 2024-08-20

NCCOS Assessment: An Aquaculture Opportunity Atlas for the Southern California Bight (NCEI Accession 0286986)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Shapefiles of the Aquaculture Opportunity Area (AOA) study developed during 2021 for the Southern California Bight. Included in this dataset are:
(1) Study areas in the Southern California Bight developed based on depth and jurisdictional boundaries. Four study areas were identified (North, Central North, Central South, South).
(2) Suitability modeling results for the North, Central North, Central South, and South Southern California Bight study areas are presented as categories (“Unsuitable,” “Low,” “Moderate,” “High”)


Modified: 2024-08-20

Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, water temperature, salinity and other variables collected from surface underway observations during the R/V Belgica cruise in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2023-06-15 to 2023-06-19 (NCEI Accession 0287029)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This dataset includes surface underway, chemical, meteorological and physical data collected during the R/V Belgica cruise in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2023-06-15 to 2023-06-19. These data include Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide - atmosphere, Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide - water water temperature, salinity and barometric pressure. This dataset contains continuous surface xCO2 measurements using the equilibrator based/CRDS Picarro G2201-i.


Modified: 2024-08-20

Turbulent dissipation rates (viscous and thermal), water temperature, salinity, velocity, and others collected from the research vessel THOMAS G. THOMPSON in the central tropical Pacific from 1987-03-26 to 1987-04-20 (NCEI Accession 0287031)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This dataset contains water temperature, salinity, velocity, turbulence, shear, stratification, and other parameters at the large-scale and fine-scale observed in a second Tropic Heat cruise at 0° / 140° W and a few other off-equator locations in the central tropical Pacific in March/April 1987. The R/V Thomas G. Thompson deployed the free-fall microstructure profiler MSP in 92 “drops” that mostly reached 1000m depth.


Modified: 2024-08-20

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Bioerosion Monitoring Unit Data from BMUs deployed at coral reef sites in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, and St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John USVI from 2017-06-16 to 2023-01-11. (NCEI Accession 0287050)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Ocean Acidification (OA) is expected to reduce the calcification rates of marine organisms, yet we have little understanding of how OA will manifest within dynamic, real-world systems, nor how to accurately measure said manifestation. The term bioerosion refers to the biological destruction of hard structures, such as coral skeletons. On coral reefs, this process is the antithesis of coral calcification. If rates of bioerosion are higher than calcification, healthy reef habitats can erode into rubble and sand.


Modified: 2024-08-20

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Orthorectified mosaic images of a coral reef in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary collected on 2022-10-04 to 2022-10-05 (NCEI Accession 0287051)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This dataset contains landscape mosaic images, created as a product for the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program’s (CRCP) National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP). Orthorectified mosaic images of six reef plots were captured of a coral reef in East Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Each reef plot is made up of a 10m x 10m transect area (100 m2). Landscape mosaics are a composite of many underwater images stitched together.


Modified: 2024-08-20

Quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) shell and tissue measurements collected from R/V LAKE GUARDIAN in Lake Ontario in the Great Lakes region from 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-17 (NCEI Accession 0287067)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Invasive dreissenid mussels (quagga mussels, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis and zebra mussels, D. polymorpha) were introduced to the Laurentian Great Lakes in the 1980’s and have since spread throughout the Great Lakes basin and across North America. Here we present shell length, shell weight, and tissue weights from 500 quagga mussels collected from 20 total stations in Lake Ontario in 2023. Stations were selected to cover different depth zones and geographic regions of the lake.


Modified: 2024-08-20

Water temperature taken by XBT from the research vessel Italica in the Southern Ocean (> 60 degrees South) and Southwest Pacific Ocean (limit-147 E to 140 W) from 2016-01-16 to 2016-01-28 (NCEI Accession 0287159)

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Vertical temperature profiles were collected from January 16th 2016 to January 28th 2016 from the research vessel Italica during an oceanographic cruise between New Zealand and the Ross Sea in the framework of the Marine Observatory in the Ross Sea (MORSea) project of the Italian National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA). Sippican T7 Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) probes with a vertical resolution of 65 cm and a maximum nominal depth of 760 m were used. The mean spatial resolutions ranges between 15 nm and 20 nm, according to the specific part of the cruise.


Modified: 2024-08-20