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WMO World Weather Records for 2011-2020 (NCEI Accession 0295717)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World Weather Records (WWR) database contains historical monthly climatic data from land surface stations worldwide. First released in 1927, the WWR database has been widely employed in operational climate monitoring, international climate assessments, and numerous other applications.
Modified: 2024-08-20
Satellite-Based Global Land Surface Datasets for Earth System Model Applications (NCEI Accession 0295750)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This datasets includes key land surface properties based on various operational satellite measurements (e.g. MODIS, VIIRS and GEDI), including the land surface type, vegetation clumping index, leaf area index, vegetative canopy height, and green vegetation fraction. Critical processing steps are taken to extend the surface properties for a full global coverage, as well as gap-filling. All variables are gridded to universal global latitude/longitude gridded coordinates (-90° - 90° in latitude and 0° - 360° in longitude) with a consistent spatial resolution of 0.01° (~ 1 km).
Modified: 2024-08-20
Surface underway, profile measurements of water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pH, delta C13 and other hydrographic and chemical parameters obtained during the East Coast Ocean Acidification (ECOA-3) Cruise on board the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown in the East Coast US, North Atlantic Ocean from 2022-08-06 to 2022-09-23 (NCEI Accession 0295751)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This data set consists of surface underway, profile measurements of water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pH, delta C13 and other hydrographic and chemical parameters obtained during the East Coast Ocean Acidification (ECOA-3) Cruise on board the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown in the East Coast US, North Atlantic Ocean from 2022-08-06 to 2022-09-23. The effort was in support of the coastal monitoring and research objectives of the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP).
Modified: 2024-08-20
Current velocity profiles taken by shipboard ADCP from the research vessel Falkor in the southeastern Indian Ocean 2021-04-10 to 2021-04-24 (NCEI Accession 0295820)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The dataset contains profiles of current speed taken by ADCP from the research vessel Falkor. The data were received, reviewed, and prepared for archival at the Joint Archive (JA) for Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (SADCP), a collaboration of NOAA and the University of Hawaii Currents Group. The high frequency samples along with ancillary parameters are provided in the Common Oceanographic Data Access System (CODAS) binary format, from which long- and short-form NetCDF files are made. The long form holds an exact dump of the CODAS set.
Modified: 2024-08-20
Water physical and chemical vertical observational data at multiple levels from fixed mooring CHRP7 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region from 2023-05-18 to 2023-10-01 collected by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, University of Michigan. (NCEI Accession 0295838)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The data in this record contains water physical and chemical vertical observational data from fixed mooring CHRP7 in the central basin of Lake Erie, Great Lakes region during the summer season from 2023-05-18 through 2023-10-01. The approximate depth at CHRP7 is 20.1 m. Observations were collected at hourly or sub-hourly time intervals for water temperature and dissolved oxygen and other water quality parameters. The moorings are designed in a U-shape with a spar buoy and a subsurface buoy approximately 300 ft apart.
Modified: 2024-08-20
Growth and development impacts of laboratory experimental ocean warming and ocean acidification conditions in Pacific cod embryos and larvae from 2022-04-06 to 2022-06-02 (NCEI Accession 0295839)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This dataset contains data from manipulated experimental seawater chemistry conditions and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) embryos and larvae growth and development impacts. The experiment took place from April 6-June 2, 2022 in the Alaska Fisheries Science Center laboratory research facilities at Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. Embryos and larvae were reared in the laboratory, and were the offspring of strip spawned adults freshly caught near Kodiak Island, Alaska.
Modified: 2024-08-20
GHRSST NOAA/STAR GOES-16 ABI L3C America Region SST v2.70 dataset (GDS version 2) for 2024-07-27 (NCEI Accession 0295869)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The ACSPO G16/ABI L3C (Level 3 Collated) product is a gridded version of the ACSPO G16/ABI L2P product. The L3C output files are 1hr granules in netCDF4 format, compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification version 2 (GDS2). There are 24 granules per 24hr interval, with a total data volume of 0.2GB/day. Fill values are reported at all invalid pixels, including pixels with 5 km inland.
Modified: 2024-08-20
GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) on the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-3) satellite (GDS version 2) for 2024-07-27 (NCEI Accession 0295871)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-3) satellites are spin stabilized geostationary satellites operated by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) to provide accurate weather monitoring data through its primary instrument the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI), which has the capacity to observe the Earth in 12 spectral channels.
Modified: 2024-08-20
GHRSST L2P NOAA/ACSPO GOES-18/ABI West America Region Sea Surface Temperature v2.90 dataset (GDS version 2) for 2024-07-27 (NCEI Accession 0295873)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The G18-ABI-L2P-ACSPO-v2.90 dataset produced by the NOAA ACSPO system is used to derive Subskin and Depth Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from the ABI onboard the G18 satellite. NOAA’s G18 (aka, GOES-T pre-launch) was launched on March 1, 2022, replacing the G17 as GOES West in Jan'2023. It is the third satellite in the US GOES–R Series, the Western Hemisphere’s most sophisticated weather-observing and environmental-monitoring system. The ABI is the primary instrument on the GOES-R Series for imaging Earth’s weather, oceans, and environment.
Modified: 2024-08-20
Low resolution real-time physical trajectory profile data from glider ce_381 deployed by Oregon State; CEOAS; OOI Endurance in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from 2024-02-13 to 2024-03-30 (NCEI Accession 0295934)
Data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon and Washington coasts. The array also provides an extensive spatial footprint that encompasses a prototypical eastern boundary current regime and connectivity with the Cabled Array. OOI Coastal Glider deployments bridge the distances between the fixed sites of the Coastal Endurance Array and allow for adaptive sampling of the coastal waters of Washington and Oregon.
Modified: 2024-08-20