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140 results found

Trademark Assignment XML (1955 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Assignment (ownership) text data (no images).

Tags: trademark,uspto,xml,application,assignment,change,ownership,pending,recordation,registered,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) XML (1951 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) text data (no images).

Tags: ttab,trademark trial and appeal board,uspto,xml,application,pending,registered,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Official Gazettes (2013 - Present (searchable))

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains bibliographic (front page) information and a representative drawing (if applicable) for each trademark registration or trademark application published that week. Incluides a list of cancelled and renewed registrations.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,pdf,trademark,official,gazette,tmog,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Official Gazettes (2001 - 2021 Archive in PDF)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains bibliographic (front page) information and a representative drawing (if applicable) for each trademark registration or trademark application published that week. Incluides a list of cancelled and renewed registrations.

Tags: tuesday,uspto,pdf,trademark,official,gazette,tmog,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Image Search API (beta)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

The Trademark Image Search API (beta) allows searching Trademark Images using various attributes like feature, accuracy, metricspaces and candidates. This API also allows searching Trademark documents using various metadata attributes like Specimen Description, Filing Description, Filing Basis, Owner's Name, Street Address, etc.

Tags: uspto,trademark,image,search,api,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) API (beta)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

The Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) API allows you to make programmatic requests for trademark case status, documents, and images. Beginning on October 2, 2020, you will need an API key to download bulk data from TSDR using the TSDR API. Using API keys will help optimize usage of our TSDR system, which will help enable users like yourself to better access the information you need from TSDR. The below resources will provide you with more information on using the TSDR API.

Tags: uspto,trademark,status,image,search,api,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Case Files Dataset for Academia and Researchers (1870 - 2021)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains detailed information on 7.0 million trademark applications filed with or registrations issued by the USPTO between 1870 and 2020.

Tags: trademark,uspto,application,classification,number,csv,design search code,dta,filing date,goods and services,pending,pseudo mark,registered,registration date,registration number,serial number,stata,status code,text,word mark,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Trademark Assignment Data for Academia and Researchers (1952 - 2021)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains detailed information on 786,931 assignments and other transactions recorded at the USPTO between 1952 and 2020 and involving 1,491,485 million unique trademark properties.

Tags: trademark,uspto,application,assignment,change,csv,dta,ownership,pending,recordation,registered,stata,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

NTIS-National Technical Reports Library

Data provided by  National Technical Information Service

NTRL (National Technical Reports Library) offers a public interface for accessing authenticated government technical reports in the U.S.Department of Commerce NTIS (National Technical Information Service) database.The National Technical Information Service is a large central resource for U.S.government - funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information.The database of more than 3 million publications provides links to over 800, 000 full - text technical reports in 350 subject areas.Over 195, 000 brief records have been added for pre-1964 information.(Updated regul

Tags: National Technical Reports Library (NTRL),Bibliographic database,Technical reports,Federal Government information dissemination,Government sponsored research,technology transfer,full-text,open access,

Modified: 2024-03-05

Views: 0

FY 2007 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2007

Tags: annual report,2007,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0