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742 results found

Drop-on-Demand Dispensing for Point-of-Care Pharmaceutical Manufacturing of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This data publication contains the raw, derived, and processed data of active pharmaceutical ingredients dispensed by drop-on-demand. Gravimetric and chemical data from this study includes UV-Vis spectroscopy, THz Raman spectroscopy, and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for levothyroxine, levothyroxine sodium, warfarin sodium, and acetaminophen.

Tags: Point-of-care; Pharmaceutics; Drop-on-demand; Manufacturing; Drug delivery; Precision medicine; Personalized medicine; Narrow therapeutic index;,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Data associated with "Characterizing the broadband RF permittivity of 3D-integrated layers in a glass wafer stack from 100 MHz to 30 GHz" for the 2024 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in Washington, D.C.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

We present a method for accurately determining the permittivity of dielectric materials in 3D integrated structures at broadband RF frequencies. With applications of microwave and millimeter-wave electronics on the rise, reliable methods for measuring the electrical properties of dielectrics used in integrated circuits are critical. We outline an on-wafer method for extracting the permittivity of a 3D multilayer glass structure from 100 MHz to 30 GHz using S-parameter measurements of different calibration chips.

Tags: permittivity,Dielectrics,microwave integrated circuits,glass,wafer-level packaging,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Smart network repository based on Neo4j native graph database

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

To address the increasing complexity of network management and the limitations of data repositories in handling the various network operational data, this paper proposes a novel repository design that uniformly represents network operational data while allowing for a multiple abstractions access to the information. This smart repository simplifies network management functions by enabling network verification directly within the repository.

Tags: network management,network data,repository,knowledge graph,SDN,Neo4j,control plane verification,data plane analysis,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Data associated with "Zeeman-resolved Autler-Townes splitting in Rydberg atoms with a tunable RF resonance and a single transition dipole moment"

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Data associated with the publication: "Zeeman-resolved Autler-Townes splitting in Rydberg atoms with a tunable RF resonance and a single transition dipole moment"Applying a magnetic field as a method for tuning the frequency of Autler-Townes splitting for Rydberg electrometry has recently been demonstrated. In the corresponding paper, we provide a theoretical understanding of EIT signals in the presence of a large magnetic field, as well as demonstrate some advantages of this technique over traditional Autler-Townes based electrometry.

Tags: spectroscopy,Rydberg,magnetic field,Zeeman,electrometry,quantum sensing,Autler-Townes,

Modified: 2024-02-22


Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

A set of computational tools for using isohedral tiles to produce patchy colloids that self-assemble into two-dimensional films with a desired symmetry group and void fraction.

Tags: colloids,self-assembly,isohedral,tilings,crystals,two-dimensional materials,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Computing a partial elastic shape registration of 3D surfaces using dynamic programming

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Fortran and Matlab programs, Matlab mex file of Fortran program, compiled mex file, and sample data files, etc. for computing a partial elastic shape registration of two simple surfaces in 3-dimensional space and the elastic shape distance between them corresponding to the partial registration.

Tags: dynamic programming,elastic shape distance,homeomorphism,rotation matrix,shape analysis,singular value decomposition,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Software and data associated with "DeJaco, R. F.; Kearsley, A. J. Understanding Fast Adsorption in Breakthrough-curve Measurements.''

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The purpose of this code and data is to enable reproductionand facilitate extension of the computationalresults associated with following workDeJaco, R. F.; Kearsley, A. J. Understanding Fast Adsorption in Breakthrough-curve Measurements, 2023.

Tags: adsorption,kinetics,breakthrough-curve,chromatography,numerical simulation,boundary layer theory,perturbation theory,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Multiplatform metabolomic interlaboratory study of a whole human stool candidate reference material from omnivore and vegan donors

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The repository contains the analysis and results collected during a metabolomics interlaboratory study. The study involved the experimental analysis of human stool from vegan and omnivore donors preserved in lyophilized format and aqueous phase, all stored at -80 C. The interlaboratory study (ILS) involved 18 participant institutions, and they were given the flexibility to use their preferred sample preparation method and analytical platform to analyze the stool samples.

Tags: Human stool,gut metabolomics,standards,feces,multiplatform analysis and metabolomics,

Modified: 2024-09-06

Data to support "Implementation of SPME and Rapid GC-MS as a Screening Approach for Forensic Fire Debris Applications"

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This data set contains raw data files for ignitable liquids, mock fire debris samples, and other related samples. All samples were extracted using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed by rapid gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), a recently developed chromatographic screening technique. Data is included for instrument inlet optimization, analysis of neat ignitable liquids (gasoline and diesel fuel), and analysis of mock burn samples consisting of carpet and wood substrates spiked with either ignitable liquid.

Tags: Solid phase microextraction,Rapid GC-MS,Screening,Ignitable liquids,Forensic Science,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Flow visualization of gunshot residue plumes from handguns.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This video content contains flow visualization footage of the plume dynamics generated during the discharge of a Springfield 9mm handgun. The gun range is a modified 12 m (40 ft) sea cargo container specifically designed for handheld firearms research and includes an advanced air filtration system that can be turned on or off. The air filtration system is off during these experiments. In each video, a laser light-sheet is positioned either horizontally or vertically and bisects the barrel of the firearm.

Tags: gunshot residue,flow visualization,plume dynamics,firearms,forensics,laser light sheet,

Modified: 2024-02-22