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International Accounts - International Services
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
These tables present trade in services and services supplied by affiliates of multinational enterprises.
Tags: Balance of Payments,Trade in Goods and Services,International Services,International Investment Position,Direct Investment and Multinational Companies,
Modified: 2024-12-19
International Accounts - International Investment Position
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
A balance sheet of U.S. financial assets and liabilities with residents of other countries.
Tags: Balance of Payments,Trade in Goods and Services,International Services,International Investment Position,Direct Investment and Multinational Companies,
Modified: 2024-12-19
International Accounts - Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEA's direct investment statistics cover inward and outward direct investment, including direct investment position data and data on the activities of multinational enterprises.
Tags: Balance of Payments,Foreign Direct Investment in the United States,Trade in Goods and Services,International Services,International Investment Position,Direct Investment and Multinational Companies,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Regional Accounts
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
The BEA regional economic accounts provide a wealth of statistics that detail the geographic distribution of U.S. economic activity and growth and provide a consistent framework for analyzing and comparing individual state and local area economies. Employment, compensation, wages and salaries, personal current transfer receipts, personal current taxes, and per capita personal income statistics are also available.
Tags: GDP by State and Metropolitan Area,State and Local Area Personal Income,RIMS II Regional Input-Output Multipliers,Economic Information for Coastal Areas,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Industry Accounts - Annual Industry
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEA's industry accounts are used extensively by policymakers and businesses to understand industry interactions, productivity trends, and the changing structure of the U.S. economy.
Tags: Annual Industry Accounts,GDP by Industry,Input-Output Accounts,Benchmark Input-Output Accounts,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Industry Accounts - GDP-by-Industry
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
To understand industry interactions, productivity trends, and the changing structure of the U.S. economy, policymakers and businesses use BEA's industry accounts extensively.
Tags: Gross Output by Industry,Intermediate Inputs by Industry,KLEMS,Value Added by Industry,GDP by Industry,Components of Value Added,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Industry Accounts - Annual Input-Output
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEA's annual input-output (I-O) accounts provide a time series of detailed, consistent information on the flow of goods and services that make up the production processes of industries. The accounts show how industries interact as they provide inputs to, and use outputs from, each other to produce GDP.
Tags: Annual Industry Accounts,Annual Input-Output Accounts,Supply tables,Use tables,Input-Output,Supply-Use,Import Matrices,Requirements Tables,Make-Use,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Public Data Listing
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEA's Public Data Listing
Tags: GDP,Interactive Tables,Personal Income and Outlays,Consumer Spending,Corporate Profits,Fixed Assets,Underlying Detail,Balance of Payments,Trade in Goods and Services,International Services,International Investment Position,Direct Investment and Multinational Companies,GDP by State and Metropolitan Area,State and Local Area Personal Income,RIMS II Regional Input-Output Multipliers,Economic Information for Coastal Areas,Annual Industry Accounts,GDP by Industry,Input-Output Accounts,Benchmark Input-Output Accounts,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Effects of Selected Federal Pandemic Response Programs on Personal Income
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
These tables present the effects of selected Federal pandemic response programs on personal income.
Tags: COVID-19,coronavirus,Personal Income,Pandemic Unemployment Assistance,Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation,Economic Impact Payments,Student loan forbearance,
Modified: 2024-12-19
Effects of Selected Federal Pandemic Response Programs on Federal Government Receipts, Expenditures, and Saving
Data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis
These tables present the effects of selected Federal pandemic response programs on Federal government receipts, expenditures, and saving.
Tags: COVID-19,coronavirus,Federal Government Receipts, Expenditures, and Saving,Pandemic Unemployment Assistance,Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation,Paycheck Protection Program,Employee Retention Tax Credit,Economic Impact Payments,Student loan forbearance,
Modified: 2024-12-19