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2647 results found

Complex Document Information Processing (CDIP) dataset

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This dataset is called the "IIT CDIP collection". "CDIP" stands for "Complex Document Information Processing" and "IIT" stands for "Illinois Institute of Technology" who originally built the dataset. The dataset consists of documents from the states' lawsuit against the tobacco industry in the 1990s.

Tags: optical character recognition,information retrieval,document structure,document understanding,image to text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

NIST TREC Disks 4 and 5: Retrieval Test Collections Document Set

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

A collection of full-text documents from various sources including the Financial Times Limited (1991, 1992, 1993, 1994), the Congressional Record of the 103rd Congress (1993), the Federal Register (1994), the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (1996), and the Los Angeles Times (1989, 1990). These documents are the document set for several TREC information retrieval test collections. (Data contains document text only.)

Tags: document retrieval,information retrieval,test collections,text processing,text retrieval conferences,text retrieval,TREC,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Data from: NIST Properties of Molten Salts Database (formerly SRD 27)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST distributed the NIST Properties of Molten Salts Database from 1990 to 2004. As part of the NIST Standard Reference Data Program, the database was designated as Standard Reference Database 27 or SRD 27. Since the database has not been actively maintained since 1991 the SRD designation has been dropped. The database was distributed as a program for DOS compatible operating systems. To enable use of the data on modern systems, the data have been extracted into comma separated variable (CSV) files.

Tags: molten salts,density,electrical conductivity,surface tension,viscosity,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

NIST Phase Diagrams & Computational Thermodynamics of Solders

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Phase Diagrams and Computational Thermodynamics - Solder Systems predicts melting temperatures and freezing ranges of lead-free solders which are used to remove lead-containing components from commercial products. This database also shows the effects of non-equilibrium solidification. Also included is a collection of calculated binary and ternary systems that are relevant to solders.

Tags: materials,materials science,measurement,metallurgy,phase,phase diagram,phase equilibria,science,solder,standards,technical activities,thermodynamic,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

The NBS Tables of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties: Selected Values for Inorganic and C1 and C2 Organic Substances in SI Units

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Recommended values are provided for chemical thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances and for organic substances usually containing only one or two carbon atoms. Where available, values are given for the enthalpy of formation, Gibbs energy of formation, entropy, and heat capacity at 298.15 K (25 degrees C), the enthalpy difference between 298.15 and 0 K and the enthalpy of formation at 0 K. All values are given in SI units and are for a standard state pressure of 100 000 pascal.

Tags: NBS Tables,chemical thermodynamics,enthalpy,entropy,Gibbs energy,inorganic chemistry,thermochemistry,evaluated data,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Consolidated Screening List

Data provided by  Bureau of Industry and Security

The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions.

Tags: consolidated screening list; denied persons list; entity list;,

Modified: 2024-03-05

Views: 0

NTIS-National Technical Reports Library

Data provided by  National Technical Information Service

NTRL (National Technical Reports Library) offers a public interface for accessing authenticated government technical reports in the U.S.Department of Commerce NTIS (National Technical Information Service) database.The National Technical Information Service is a large central resource for U.S.government - funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information.The database of more than 3 million publications provides links to over 800, 000 full - text technical reports in 350 subject areas.Over 195, 000 brief records have been added for pre-1964 information.(Updated regul

Tags: National Technical Reports Library (NTRL),Bibliographic database,Technical reports,Federal Government information dissemination,Government sponsored research,technology transfer,full-text,open access,

Modified: 2024-03-05

Views: 0