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MBDA Data Inventory
Data provided by Minority Business Development Agency
This is a json file containing the Data Inventory for the minority business development agency.
Tags: MBDA,data inventory,minority,business,business development,
Modified: 2024-11-06
Account Table
Data provided by Minority Business Development Agency
Captures information related to a User Account such as, Name, Phone, Email Address, Website, MBDA Center, Race/Ethinicity, NAICS Code and Address.MBDA works throughout the Nation to link minority-owned businesses with the capital, contracts, and markets they need to grow. We advocate and promote minority-owned business with elected officials, policy makers, and business leaders. Serving as subject matter experts and advocates for the minority business community, we conduct high quality research and cultivate domestic and international relationships.
Tags: MBDA,user information,minority-owned,account table,
Modified: 2024-11-06
Contact Table
Data provided by Minority Business Development Agency
Capture information related to Contact of any Account like, Name, Phone, Email, Job Title, Status of Engagement, MBDA Center, Address.
Tags: Account,contact table,MBDA,Contact information,
Modified: 2024-11-06
Data provided by Minority Business Development Agency
Capture Job Title of the Contact
Tags: contact,Opportunity,MBDA,job title,Organizational information,
Modified: 2024-11-06
MBDA Annual Performance Reports
Data provided by Minority Business Development Agency
The following links to MBDA’s annual performance reports chronicles our impact and accomplishments
Tags: MBDA,Annual reports,Annual Performance Reports,impact,accomplishments,
Modified: 2024-11-06
EDA Investments Supporting Opportunity Zones
Data provided by Economic Development Administration
List of EDA Investments made supporting designated opportunity zones
Tags: opportunity zones,economic development,
Modified: 2024-11-06
Digital Nation Datasets
Data provided by National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIA has made public use datasets available for every CPS Computer and Internet Use Supplement, as well as the Analyze Table of summary statistics used in the Data Explorer. All datasets are available in Stata, CSV, and raw/fixed formats, and are accompanied by official documentation produced by the Census Bureau (with the exception of the Analyze Table, with was created by NTIA and accompanied by documentation written by NTIA).
Tags: cps,digital nation,
Modified: 2024-07-09
Data Central
Data provided by National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Home to NTIA data and analysis on computer and Internet use in the United States. Since November 1994, NTIA has periodically sponsored data collections on Internet use and the devices Americans use to go online as a supplement to the Census Bureau’s annual Current Population Survey (CPS); analyzed the data; and reported the findings. In recent years, NTIA has also linked to the raw datasets on the Census Bureau website.
Tags: blog,census,cps,data central,
Modified: 2024-07-09
Digital Nation Data Explorer
Data provided by National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Data Explorer enables easy tracking of metrics about computer and Internet use over time. Simply choose a metric of interest from the drop-down menu. The default Map mode depicts percentages by state, while Chart mode allows metrics to be broken down by demographics and viewed as either percentages of the population or estimated numbers of people or households.
Tags: adoption resource,Broadband,digital nation reports,
Modified: 2024-07-09
EDA Funded Revolving Loan Fund Recipients
Data provided by Economic Development Administration
Sortable List of Recipient Organizations receiving EDA Revolving Loan Funds
Tags: revolving loan fund,economic development,
Modified: 2024-11-06