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57 results found
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Federal Register Notices and Unpublished Decisions
Data provided by International Trade Administration
Antidumping and countervailing duty decisions published in the Federal Register and their accompanying unpublished issues and decision memoranda.
Tags: dumping,imports,manufactured goods,subsidies,trade law,unfair trade,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Suspension Agreements and Other Bilateral Agreements
Data provided by International Trade Administration
Publicly-available list of suspension and other bilateral agreements administered by ITA, including active weblinks to Federal Register copies of agreements/amendments and reference prices under non-market-economy agreements, where applicable.
Tags: agreements,anti-dumping,bilateral,countervailing duty,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
Business Service Providers API
Data provided by International Trade Administration
The Business Service Providers (BSP) API is a directory of U.S. and foreign-based businesses providing services that many small and medium sized exporters require to succeed in foreign markets. Businesses can sign up to be a Service Provider on The output format for this API is JSON. This data set is updated hourly.
Tags: export,services,U.S. company,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
Consolidated Screening List API
Data provided by International Trade Administration
The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions.
Tags: compliance,control,denied persons list,enforcement,entity list,export,export compliance,export control,foreign sanctions,itar debarred,non-sdn Iranian sanctions,nonproliferation sanctions,palestinian legislative sanctions,part 561 list,sectoral sanctions,specially designated list,unverified list,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
De Minimis API
Data provided by International Trade Administration
The De Minimis API provides data about the De Minimis amount and the Value Added Tax (VAT) amount that products may be subject to when exported to foreign countries. “De Minimis” is the threshold for a product’s value below which no duty or tariff is charged. Furthermore, products below the De Minimis undergo minimal clearance procedures, such as customs and paperwork requirements. Similarly, the value of the exported products must exceed the VAT amount before it is subject to VAT. The API includes De Minimis and VAT amounts for almost 80 countries in that country’s currency.
Tags: customs,de minimis,duty,export,minimal clearance,tariff,trade,VAT,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
Electronic Subsidies Enforcement Library
Data provided by International Trade Administration
Monitors foreign subsidies and identifies subsidies that can be remedied under the Subsidies Agreement of the World Trade Organization.
Tags: enforcement,imports,manufactured goods,subsidy,trade law,unfair trade,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
Enhanced Global Steel Trade Monitor
Data provided by International Trade Administration
Enforcement and Compliance's Global Steel Trade Monitor provides global import and export trends for the top countries trading in steel mill products.To supplement ITA's core trade statistics in the Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis (SIMA) system, quarterly country reports for the top 20 steel importing and top 20 steel exporting countries will be published.Each country report includes export and import trends by country and aggregate product, production and consumption data, and where available, information about trade remedy actions taken on steel products.
Tags: exports,imports,SIMA,steel,steel mill products,trade,U S steel,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
FAQs on Exporting API
Data provided by International Trade Administration
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) API includes more than 300 commonly asked questions about exporting. The answers provided are from government experts that specialize in unique aspects of trade.
Tags: export,frequently asked questions,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
FTA Tariff Rates API
Data provided by International Trade Administration
The FTA Tariff Rates API provides data about each country with whom the United States has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). When the U.S. enters into an FTA with a foreign government, it negotiates lower tariff rates with that government for a wide variety of products. A tariff is a tax that a company must pay a foreign country when shipping a product to that country. Typically the FTA tariffs rates decline over several years.
Tags: export,free trade agreements,fta,rates,tariff,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0
Foreign Trade Zones Annual Report to Congress
Data provided by International Trade Administration
Using data submitted by each zone, the FTZ Board prepares and submits a report annually to Congress summarizing activity conducted in foreign-trade zones throughout the year. The full report is available on the FTZ Board website.
Tags: foreign trade zone,FTZ,FTZ Board,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Views: 0