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Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) Monthly Precipitation, Version 4

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) Monthly Precipitation, Version 4 is a collection of worldwide monthly precipitation values with measurement, quality control, and source flags for global locations. Values are in tenths of a millimeter and coverage is mostly global land masses with voids as expected in less populated areas. It offers significant enhancements over the previous version 2. It contains more values both historically and for the most recent months. Its methods for merging records and quality control have been modernized.


Modified: 2024-10-23

Infrared (IR) Sounder Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profiles, Version 5

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This long-term satellite data record contains observations of atmospheric temperature and humidity at multiple pressure levels. The data set is produced primarily using input from infrared radiation (IR) sounder instruments such as High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS). Current data holdings span 1978-10-29 to 2021-12-31 with data derived from HIRS instruments onboard the NOAA and Metop polar-orbiting satellite series. Future holdings are planned to also include data derived from other IR sensors (e.g. CrIS and IASI).


Modified: 2024-10-23

Bering Sea and Slope Dropcam Survey of Deep Sea Corals and Sponges for 2014

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Bering Sea and Slope Dropcam Survey of Deep Sea Corals and Sponges for 2014 dataset includes approximately 2160 GB of image files from the 2014 underwater camera surveys of the Bering Sea continental shelf and slope conducted by NOAA AFSC of deep-sea coral and sponge grounds. Images were collected across two hundred fifty transects and were successfully completed in an area which extended from the Bering Canyon Island to Pervenets Canyon in the north on the continental slope and shelf.


Modified: 2024-10-23

NOAA JPSS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Radiance Cluster Data from NCCF

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The VIIRS Radiance Cluster (VRC) product provides radiance values for the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) instrument. The values are obtained using a cluster analysis which is applied to collocated VIIRS pixels within the CrIS FOV (Field of View). The cluster analysis is a statistical technique that groups together data points based on their features or variables. The cluster analysis results are then mapped into each CrIS FOV. The final output includes the mean, standard deviation, and coverage for each cluster.


Modified: 2024-10-23

EK80 Water Column Sonar Data Collected During HB2301

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The NEFSC bottom trawl survey is a fisheries independent, multi-species survey that provides the primary scientific data for fisheries assessments in the U.S. mid-Atlantic and New England regions. Two bottom trawl surveys are conducted each year, one in the spring and one in the autumn. The survey is a standardized, stratified random design, with stratification based on bathymetry and multiple trawl sites within each stratum. Trawl sites are selected randomly, but the overall ship path is south to north. The survey covers the continental shelf and U.S.


Modified: 2024-10-23

EK80 Water Column Sonar Data Collected During HB2302

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Ecosystem Monitoring (aka Ecomon) survery uses bongo and CTD sampling to monitor and map the distribution of zooplankton, krill and smaller organisms) and the physical environment. The survey has been conducted four times per year (although fewer times in recent years) in each season on the continental shelf from Cape Hatteras, NC to the Canadian waters of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Acoustic data are occasionally collected. Marine mammal and bird observations have been collected in the past.


Modified: 2024-10-23

EK80 Water Column Sonar Data Collected During HB2303

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Ecosystem Monitoring (aka Ecomon) survery uses bongo and CTD sampling to monitor and map the distribution of zooplankton, krill and smaller organisms) and the physical environment. The survey has been conducted four times per year (although fewer times in recent years) in each season on the continental shelf from Cape Hatteras, NC to the Canadian waters of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Acoustic data are occasionally collected. Marine mammal and bird observations have been collected in the past.


Modified: 2024-10-23

EK80 Water Column Sonar Data Collected During HB2304

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The NEFSC bottom trawl survey is a fisheries independent, multi-species survey that provides the primary scientific data for fisheries assessments in the U.S. mid-Atlantic and New England regions. Two bottom trawl surveys are conducted each year, one in the spring and one in the autumn. The survey is a standardized, stratified random design, with stratification based on bathymetry and multiple trawl sites within each stratum. Trawl sites are selected randomly, but the overall ship path is south to north. The survey covers the continental shelf and U.S.


Modified: 2024-10-23

EK80 Water Column Sonar Data Collected During HB2305

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A long-range autonomous underwater vehicle (LRAUV) was tested for collecting underwater stereo imagery of the seabed and biology on the seabed. The immediate use of the LRAUV is to supplement the scallop survey, which is currently done using the towed system, Habcam. In addition to LRAUV evaluation, we tested and evaluated the newly-installed Kongsberg EK80 systems. We tested continuous wave (CW) and frequency modulated (FM) signals, data acquistion rates, and calibrated the systems in CW and FM modes.


Modified: 2024-10-23

EK80 Water Column Sonar Data Collected During HB2400

Data provided by  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Orientation cruise for NOAA Corp personnel


Modified: 2024-10-23