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28 results found
Sim-PROCESD: Simulated-Production Resource for Operations and Conditions Evaluation to Support Decision-making
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sim-PROCESD is a discrete event simulation package written in Python that is designed to model the behavior of discrete manufacturing systems. Specifically, it focuses on asynchronous production lines. It also provides functionality for modeling the degradation and maintenance of machines in these systems. Sim-PROCESD provides class definitions for manufacturing devices/components that can be configured by the user to model various real-world manufacturing systems.
Tags: discrete-event simulation,manufacturing,production,maintenance,python,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Thermal Drift Monitoring Experiment 01
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
An experiment was set up within a machine tool at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to test vision-based thermal drift tracking methods. A wireless microscope within a tool holder in the spindle is used to capture videos of image targets attached to the worktable. For each target, one video is captured during spindle rotation orthogonal to the worktable and another video is captured during axis translation orthogonal to the worktable.
Tags: Thermal error,machine tool,monitoring,manufacturing,Microscope,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Thermodynamic Data from Unpublished Sources to Support the New Reference Equation of State for Carbon Dioxide
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
During work on the new reference equation of state for carbon dioxide [A.H. Harvey, S.A. Tashkun, R. Hellmann, and E.W. Lemmon, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, in preparation], we obtained unpublished data from several sources. These represent numerical values for data only presented graphically in a publication, or in some cases data not present in the publication at all. With the permission of the authors, we document and deposit these data here so they will be available for future workers.
Tags: CO2,carbon dioxide,thermodynamics,melting,heat capacity,sound speed,vapor pressure,virial coefficients,equation of state,
Modified: 2024-02-22
The effects of advanced spectral line shapes on atmospheric carbon dioxide retrievals
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This is the data presented in the figures of the paper "The effects of advanced spectral line shapes on atmospheric carbon dioxide retrievals" published in J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer at
Tags: greenhouse gases,carbon dioxide,remote sensing,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Cost Assessment Tool for Sustainable Manufacturing (CATS)
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This tool uses techniques from ASTM E3200 for evaluating manufacturing investments from the perspective of environmentally sustainable manufacturing by pairing economic methods of investment analysis with environmental aspect of manufacturing. The economic techniques used include net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, and hurdle rate. These four techniques are deterministic, meaning that they deal with known values that are certain. The tool also conducts a sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo techniques.
Tags: investment analysis,manufacturing,net present value,internal rate of return,environmental impact,sustainability,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Linear Axis Testbed at IMS Center - Run-to-Failure Experiment 01
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
A linear axis testbed at the Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS Center) at the University of Cincinnati was run to failure (the detection of backlash) over one year with periodic data collected from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the carriage, two triaxial accelerometers on the ball nut, and the controller.
Tags: manufacturing,Industry 4.0,smart manufacturing,linear axis,machine tool,ball screw,backlash,sensor,accelerometer,inertial measurement unit,IMU,error motion,data analysis,monitoring,diagnostics,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Simantha: Simulation for Manufacturing
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Simantha is a discrete event simulation package written in Python that is designed to model the behavior of discrete manufacturing systems. Specifically, it focuses on asynchronous production lines with finite buffers. It also provides functionality for modeling the degradation and maintenance of machines in these systems. Classes for five basic manufacturing objects are included: source, machine, buffer, sink, and maintainer. These objects can be defined by the user and configured in different ways to model various real-world manufacturing systems.
Tags: discrete-event simulation,manufacturing,production,maintenance,python,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Exoskeleton Performance Data
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The National Institute of Standards and Technology, Intelligent Systems Division has collected data measuring human subjects, while performing common, simulated industrial manufacturing tasks with and without wearing an exoskeleton. Five tests were completed as part of a research study to develop measurement science towards standard test methods. For simulated industrial manufacturing tasks were performed using a novel, now standardized apparatus, called the Position and Load Test Apparatus for Exoskeletons (PoLoTAE).
Tags: Exoskeleton,Exosuits Research,Standard Test Methods,robotics,manufacturing,
Modified: 2024-02-22
High accuracy spectroscopic parameters of the 1.27 um band of O2 measured with comb-referenced, cavity ring-down spectroscopy
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Data corresponding to Figs. 2,3,5,6,11,12,13,14 for Fleurbaey et al J. Quant Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. vol 270, 107684 (2021).
Tags: greenhouse gases,carbon dioxide,oceans,ph,marine mammals,remote sensing,seabirds,Environment and Climate,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Air-broadening in near-infrared carbon dioxide line shapes: quantifying contributions from O2, N2, and Ar
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Dataset for generation of figures in Air-broadening in near-infrared carbon dioxide line shapes: quantifying contributions from O2, N2, and Ar (
Tags: spectroscopy,higher order lineshapes,carbon dioxide,
Modified: 2024-02-22