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Measuring Electro-Acoustic Mixing in Piezoelectric Materials
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Here are included figures and other relevant data from the paper "Electro-Acoustic Nonlinear Signal Mixing" to be published in proceedings to The Device Research Conference.Introduction: Here we develop an approach to measuring nonlinear signals generated by piezoelectric materials. While linear measurements of piezoelectric materials are quite common, field- and frequency-dependent measurements of the third order piezoelectric tensor of piezoelectric materials remain rare [1, 2].
Tags: Microwave Materials,nonlinear measurements,Nonlinear signal mixing,piezoelectric material,electro-acoustic mixing.,
Modified: 2024-02-22
A Synthetic Methodology for Preparing Impregnated and Grafted Amine-Based Silica-Composites for Carbon Capture
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The database includes thermal data analysis for silica-composites that conclude the loading amount of amine adsorbents of each composite as well as each specimen's ability to adsorb CO2. The data repository includes raw data files for: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) weight loss and CO2 adsorption traces, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra?s. For more information see the readme and data documentation. A complete manuscript describing data collection, analysis, and database documentation is to be published. File formats for data include: .txt and .csv.
Tags: FTIR,thermal analysis,DSC,TGA,optical microscopy,Advanced Materials,direct air capture materials,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Data and code for the paper, "Inverse Transform Sampling for Efficient Doppler-Averaged Spectroscopy Simulations"
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset represents the results of calculations of atomic absorption spectra for the case of two-color EIT. We compare computation methods, specifically Gaussian sampling, to find that one sampling method converges to smooth transmittance curves in less time than the other. We also include some example scripts which generate and plot the figure data.
Tags: Rydberg atoms,atomic physics,receivers,fields strength,electric field,volts/meter,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Data for: "Apportionment and Inventory Optimization of Agriculture and Energy Sector Methane Emissions using Multi-month Trace Gas Measurements in Northern Colorado"
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset contains 1) the methane, ethane, ammonia, and water mixing ratio time series recorded at the Platteville Atmospheric Observatory site, 2) the hourly mean energy and agriculture apportioned methane mixing ratio time series, and 3) the atmospheric transport matrix H used for the Bayesian inversion analysis.
Tags: frequency comb,Bayesian inversion,dynamic linear model,methane,emissions inventory,ethane,oil and natural gas,ammonia,agriculture,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Correlating Near-Infrared Spectra to Bulk Properties in Polyolefins
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This repository includes example code and data to correlate near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) measurements with physical measurements for pure polyolefin samples. Specifically the provided Jupyter Notebook focuses on NIR correlations with density, crystallinity, and short chain branching. For additional information on using the code, please refer to the, and for more information on the provided data, please refer to the
Tags: Polyolefin,Near-visible IR,Short Chain Branching,Crystallinity,density,polymer,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Cutting Force Monitoring Experiment 01
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
An experiment was set up at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) to test methods for estimating the cutting forces in real time within machine tools for any spindle speed, force profile, tool type, and cutting conditions. Before cutting, a metrology suite and instrumented tool holder were used to induce magnetic forces during spindle rotation, while on-machine vibrations, magnetic forces, and error motions were measured for various combinations of speeds and forces.
Tags: smart manufacturing,Industry 4.0,Data-driven dynamics,Frequency response function,machine tool,modeling,Dynamics,Machining processes,Sensing,monitoring,diagnostics,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Wind speed estimates of the December 2021 Quad-State Tornado in Mayfield, KY based on treefall pattern analysis
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
A violent tornado outbreak occurred on December 10-11, 2021 in the Midwest US. One of the tornadoes, known as the Quad-State tornado, tracked across four states and devastated the downtown area of Mayfield, KY, producing high-end EF-4 damage. The data here provides a series of wind speed and direction time histories of the Quad-State tornado for 44 damaged residential houses in Mayfield, KY, which can be useful for detailed forensic analysis of the residential building damage.
Tags: tornado,Mayfield KY,treefall,near-surface,wind speed,wind direction,time history,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Measuring the permittivity tensor of anisotropic DyScO3 to 110 GHz
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
DyScO3 (DSO) serves as a substrate on which to grow epitaxial thin films with extraordinary materials physics. The film properties are determined by the biaxial in-plane strain due to DyScO3's slight lattice mismatch in comparison to common perovskite films. Hence, DyScO3 is an attractive substrate for materials studies, yet its highly anisotropic permittivity makes some measurements exceedingly difficult.
Tags: DyScO3,Anisotropy,permittivity,Microwaves,mmWaves,Wafer,Coplanar Waveguide,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Data for Nature Physics manuscript, "Strong parametric dispersive shifts in a statically decoupled two-qubit cavity QED system"
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The files within this record represent the data shown in the Nature Physics article, "Strong parametric dispersive shifts in a statically decoupled two-qubit cavity QED system". Descriptions of this data are most detailed within the figure captions of the article. Please download and review the file "3027_README.txt" to learn more. The article abstract reads: Qubits in cavity quantum electrodynamic (QED) architectures are often operated in the dispersive regime, in which the operating frequency of the cavity depends on the energy state of the qubit, and vice versa.
Tags: Quantum information science,superconducting qubits,qubit measurement and readout,
Modified: 2024-02-22
LC Gradient Testing Study with RM 8321, E. coli digest, and HeLa digest
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
It may be possible to use a mixture of known peptides run on a linear gradient to create a model that can be used to predict an unknown LC gradient of unknown samples based on deviation from the model. Data from RM 8321 can also be used to test other de novo search algorithms since it is a known mixture of 439 peptides. This data set consists of LC-MS/MS analysis of RM 8321 on a linear gradient of five varied lengths (30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 120 min, and 240 min), which can be used for modeling or testing de novo searching.
Tags: RM 8321,proteomics,LC-MS/MS,data-dependent acquisition,
Modified: 2024-02-22