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1629 results found

Vintage 2013 Population Estimates: US, State, and PR Population Age 18+

Data provided by  United States Census Bureau

Estimates of the Total Resident Population and Resident Population Age 18 Years and Older for the United States, States, and Puerto Rico // File: State Characteristics Population Estimates // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // Note: The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 population due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions.

Tags: census,

Modified: 2024-05-26

Views: 0

Vintage 2013 Population Estimates: US, State, and PR Total Population and Components of Change

Data provided by  United States Census Bureau

Annual Population Estimates, Estimated Components of Resident Population Change, and Rates of the Components of Resident Population Change for the United States, States, and Puerto Rico // File: National and State Population Estimates // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // Note: Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component.

Tags: census,

Modified: 2024-05-26

Views: 0

FY 2012 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2012

Tags: annual report,fy2012,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0

FY 2011 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2011

Tags: annual report,fy2011,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0

FY 2010 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2010

Tags: annual report,2010,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0

FY 2009 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2009

Tags: annual report,2009,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0

FY 2008 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2008

Tags: annual report,2008,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0

FY 2007 EDA Annual Report

Data provided by  Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration's annual report to Congress documenting EDA's efforts to fulfil its mission of leading the federal economic development agenda in the fiscal year 2007

Tags: annual report,2007,economic development,

Modified: 2024-05-09

Views: 0

NTIS-National Technical Reports Library

Data provided by  National Technical Information Service

NTRL (National Technical Reports Library) offers a public interface for accessing authenticated government technical reports in the U.S.Department of Commerce NTIS (National Technical Information Service) database.The National Technical Information Service is a large central resource for U.S.government - funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information.The database of more than 3 million publications provides links to over 800, 000 full - text technical reports in 350 subject areas.Over 195, 000 brief records have been added for pre-1964 information.(Updated regul

Tags: National Technical Reports Library (NTRL),Bibliographic database,Technical reports,Federal Government information dissemination,Government sponsored research,technology transfer,full-text,open access,

Modified: 2024-03-05

Views: 0