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10 results found

Cancer Moonshot Patent Data Set API (Version 1.0.1)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

The Cancer Moonshot Patent Data Set API allows the public to discover and search USPTO Cancer Moonshot Patent Data.

Tags: api,uspto,cancer,moonshot,patent,application,

Modified: 2024-02-22

IP Marketplace Platform API (Version 1)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

The Intellectual Property (IP) Marketplace Platform, also called Patents 4 Partnerships is an initiative of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that brings together those who have technologies and want to make them available for licensing and those who have an interest in and the ability to commercialize the technologies. The IP Marketplace Platform provides a voluntary listing of patents and patent application publications (pre-grant publications, pgpubs) indicated as *available for licensing* on external public websites or in the USPTO Patent Official Gazette Notices.

Tags: uspto,intellectual,property,ip,marketplace,patent,application,partnership,licensing,commercialize,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Patent and Trademark Practitioners (Intellectual Property (IP) Agent/Attorney/Abogado/Barrister/Lawyer)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Registered patent practitioners are individuals who have passed the USPTO's registration exam and met the qualifications to represent patent applicants before the USPTO. Trademark practitioners are attorneys who are active members in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any State. NOTE: Because Trademark attorneys need not apply for registration to practice trademark law before the USPTO, the USPTO does not maintain a roster of trademark attorneys. The names of attorneys who specialize in trademark law may be found online, or by contacting a local bar association.

Tags: uspto,agent,application,attorney,abogado,barrister,lawyer,license,patent,practitioner,roster,

Modified: 2024-02-22

PRIVATE Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Offers exclusive access to patent application status information for unpublished patent applications only to the applicant/inventor or his/her representative(s).

Tags: uspto,application,patent,private,status,unpublished,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Trademark Application Images (2009 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

The 24 Hour Box zipfile contains images of daily Trademark applications in either JPG format (black and white, grayscale, or color) or TIFF format (black and white) processed through the Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System (TICRS) and viewable using any standard image viewer. JPG images are accompanied by an XML file that contains text information about the application. TIFF images contain the application number embedded in the image (stamped prior to scan).

Tags: 24,uspto,applicant,application,box,commerce,hour,image,jpeg,jpg,supplemental,tiff,trademark,xml,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Trademark Application XML (1884 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Pending and registered trademark text data (no images) to include word mark, serial number, registration number, filing date, registration date, goods and services, classification number(s), status code(s), and design search code(s).

Tags: trademark,uspto,xml,application,classification number,design search code,filing date,goods and services,pending,registered,registration date,registration number,serial number,status code,word mark,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Trademark Assignment XML (1955 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Assignment (ownership) text data (no images).

Tags: trademark,uspto,xml,application,assignment,change,ownership,pending,recordation,registered,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) XML (1951 - Present)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) text data (no images).

Tags: ttab,trademark trial and appeal board,uspto,xml,application,pending,registered,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Trademark Case Files Dataset for Academia and Researchers (1870 - 2021)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains detailed information on 7.0 million trademark applications filed with or registrations issued by the USPTO between 1870 and 2020.

Tags: trademark,uspto,application,classification,number,csv,design search code,dta,filing date,goods and services,pending,pseudo mark,registered,registration date,registration number,serial number,stata,status code,text,word mark,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Trademark Assignment Data for Academia and Researchers (1952 - 2021)

Data provided by  United States Patent and Trademark Office

Contains detailed information on 786,931 assignments and other transactions recorded at the USPTO between 1952 and 2020 and involving 1,491,485 million unique trademark properties.

Tags: trademark,uspto,application,assignment,change,csv,dta,ownership,pending,recordation,registered,stata,text,

Modified: 2024-02-22