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SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval

The objective of this track is to evaluate the performance of different sketch-based 3D model retrieval algorithms using a large scale hand-drawn sketch query dataset for querying from a generic 3D model dataset.

Sketch-based 3D model retrieval is focusing on retrieving relevant 3D models using sketch(es) as input. This scheme is intuitive and convenient for users to learn and search for 3D models. It is also popular and important for related applications such as sketch-based modeling and recognition, as well as 3D animation production via 3D reconstruction of a scene of 2D storyboard.

Please cite the papers:

[1] B. Li, Y. Lu, Afzal Godil, Tobias Schreck, Masaki Aono, Henry Johan, Jose M. Saavedra, S. Tashiro, In: S. Biasotti, I. Pratikakis, U. Castellani, T. Schreck, A. Godil, and R. Veltkamp (eds.), SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval, Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2013 (3DOR 2013): 89-96, 2013.

[2] B. Li, Y. Lu, A. Godil, T. Schreck, B. Bustos, A. Ferreira, T. Furuya, M.J. Fonseca, H. Johan, T. Matsuda, R. Ohbuchi, P.B. Pascoal, J.M. Saavedra, A comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (2013), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2013.11.008.

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2013-01-14 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
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Title SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
Description Objective: The objective of this track is to evaluate the performance of different sketch-based 3D model retrieval algorithms using a large scale hand-drawn sketch query dataset for querying from a generic 3D model dataset. Introduction: Sketch-based 3D model retrieval is focusing on retrieving relevant 3D models using sketch(es) as input. This scheme is intuitive and convenient for users to learn and search for 3D models. It is also popular and important for related applications such as sketch-based modeling and recognition, as well as 3D animation production via 3D reconstruction of a scene of 2D storyboard. Please cite the papers: [1] B. Li, Y. Lu, Afzal Godil, Tobias Schreck, Masaki Aono, Henry Johan, Jose M. Saavedra, S. Tashiro, In: S. Biasotti, I. Pratikakis, U. Castellani, T. Schreck, A. Godil, and R. Veltkamp (eds.), SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval, Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2013 (3DOR 2013): 89-96, 2013. [2] B. Li, Y. Lu, A. Godil, T. Schreck, B. Bustos, A. Ferreira, T. Furuya, M.J. Fonseca, H. Johan, T. Matsuda, R. Ohbuchi, P.B. Pascoal, J.M. Saavedra, A comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (2013), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2013.11.008.
Modified 2013-01-14 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords Sketch-based 3D model retrieval , Evaluation , SHREC contest , Large-scale Benchmark
    "identifier": "ark:\/88434\/mds2-2220",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Afzal A. Godil"
    "programCode": [
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/id\/mds2-2220",
    "title": "SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval",
    "description": "Objective: \nThe objective of this track is to evaluate the performance of different sketch-based 3D model retrieval algorithms using a large scale hand-drawn sketch query dataset for querying from a generic 3D model dataset.\n\nIntroduction:\nSketch-based 3D model retrieval is focusing on retrieving relevant 3D models using sketch(es) as input. This scheme is intuitive and convenient for users to learn and search for 3D models. It is also popular and important for related applications such as sketch-based modeling and recognition, as well as 3D animation production via 3D reconstruction of a scene of 2D storyboard.\n\nPlease cite the papers:\n\n[1] B. Li, Y. Lu, Afzal Godil, Tobias Schreck, Masaki Aono, Henry Johan, Jose M. Saavedra, S. Tashiro, In: S. Biasotti, I. Pratikakis, U. Castellani, T. Schreck, A. Godil, and R. Veltkamp (eds.), SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval, Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2013 (3DOR 2013): 89-96, 2013. \n\n[2] B. Li, Y. Lu, A. Godil, T. Schreck, B. Bustos, A. Ferreira, T. Furuya, M.J. Fonseca, H. Johan, T. Matsuda, R. Ohbuchi, P.B. Pascoal, J.M. Saavedra, A comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (2013), doi: http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1016\/j.cviu.2013.11.008.",
    "language": [
    "distribution": [
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2220\/SHREC2013_SBR.zip.sha256",
            "mediaType": "text\/plain",
            "title": "SHA256 File for SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval"
            "downloadURL": "https:\/\/data.nist.gov\/od\/ds\/mds2-2220\/SHREC2013_SBR.zip",
            "description": "3D models, Sketches, Classification file, Evaluation code",
            "mediaType": "application\/zip",
            "title": "SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval"
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/doi.org\/10.18434\/M32220",
            "title": "DOI access to SHREC'13 Track: Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval"
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2013-01-14 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": [
        "Mathematics and Statistics:Image and signal processing",
        "Information Technology:Data and informatics"
    "keyword": [
        "Sketch-based 3D model retrieval",
        "SHREC contest",
        "Large-scale Benchmark"