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Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) Tool

The Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) focuses on evaluating the readiness (also can be viewed as maturity) for a factory to undergo improvements, particularly related to the data intensive smart manufacturing technology deployment in a factory. The SMSRL uses the Factory Design and Improvement (FDI) activity model as a guide for indicating actions and things that should be in place for performing a successful smart factory transformation at the operational level. In the SMSRL, activities employed from the FDI are subdivided into their applicability at the various control levels of ISA-88: Enterprise, Site, Area, Process Cell, Unit, Equipment Module, and Control Module. Each activity is measured under multiple dimensions such as Activity Management, Designated Personnel, Software System, Output Data Format, KPIs and KPI relationship, all of which are grouped into 4 measurement categories (C1: Organizational Maturity, C2: IT Applications Maturity, C3: Performance Management Maturity and C4: Information Connectivity Maturity). Each of the measurement categories has its own calculation method to quantify the maturity level; and it is used for deriving customized factory improvement plans.

Note: The tool only works with Windows-based Microsoft Excel.

About this Dataset

Updated: 2024-02-22
Metadata Last Updated: 2018-11-30 00:00:00
Date Created: N/A
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Title Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) Tool
Description The Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) focuses on evaluating the readiness (also can be viewed as maturity) for a factory to undergo improvements, particularly related to the data intensive smart manufacturing technology deployment in a factory. The SMSRL uses the Factory Design and Improvement (FDI) activity model as a guide for indicating actions and things that should be in place for performing a successful smart factory transformation at the operational level. In the SMSRL, activities employed from the FDI are subdivided into their applicability at the various control levels of ISA-88: Enterprise, Site, Area, Process Cell, Unit, Equipment Module, and Control Module. Each activity is measured under multiple dimensions such as Activity Management, Designated Personnel, Software System, Output Data Format, KPIs and KPI relationship, all of which are grouped into 4 measurement categories (C1: Organizational Maturity, C2: IT Applications Maturity, C3: Performance Management Maturity and C4: Information Connectivity Maturity). Each of the measurement categories has its own calculation method to quantify the maturity level; and it is used for deriving customized factory improvement plans. Note: The tool only works with Windows-based Microsoft Excel.
Modified 2018-11-30 00:00:00
Publisher Name National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact mailto:[email protected]
Keywords factory design , manufacturing operation , improvement , smart manufacturing , maturity assessment , readiness assessment
    "identifier": "884B718C01370FAAE05324570681F31F2067",
    "accessLevel": "public",
    "contactPoint": {
        "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]",
        "fn": "Boonserm Kulvatunyou"
    "programCode": [
    "landingPage": "https:\/\/www.nist.gov\/services-resources\/software\/smart-manufacturing-systems-readiness-level-smsrl-tool",
    "title": "Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) Tool",
    "description": "The Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) focuses on evaluating the readiness (also can be viewed as maturity) for a factory to undergo improvements, particularly related to the data intensive smart manufacturing technology deployment in a factory. The SMSRL uses the Factory Design and Improvement (FDI) activity model as a guide for indicating actions and things that should be in place for performing a successful smart factory transformation at the operational level. In the SMSRL, activities employed from the FDI are subdivided into their applicability at the various control levels of ISA-88: Enterprise, Site, Area, Process Cell, Unit, Equipment Module, and Control Module. Each activity is measured under multiple dimensions such as Activity Management, Designated Personnel, Software System, Output Data Format, KPIs and KPI relationship, all of which are grouped into 4 measurement categories (C1: Organizational Maturity, C2: IT Applications Maturity, C3: Performance Management Maturity and C4: Information Connectivity Maturity). Each of the measurement categories has its own calculation method to quantify the maturity level; and it is used for deriving customized factory improvement plans.\n\nNote: The tool only works with Windows-based Microsoft Excel.",
    "language": [
    "distribution": [
            "accessURL": "https:\/\/doi.org\/10.18434\/M32067",
            "title": "DOI access to Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) Tool"
    "bureauCode": [
    "modified": "2018-11-30 00:00:00",
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology"
    "theme": [
        "Manufacturing:Factory operations planning and control",
        "Manufacturing:Interoperability in manufacturing",
        "Manufacturing:Manufacturing systems design and analysis"
    "keyword": [
        "factory design",
        "manufacturing operation",
        "smart manufacturing",
        "maturity assessment",
        "readiness assessment"