TPIS includes detailed current and historical trade data from various sources, including: detailed U.S. merchandise trade statistics (originating with the Bureau of the Census); trade statistics of over 170 countries (from the United Nations); and multi-country statistics on international finance, direction of trade, balance of payments and developing country debt (from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank).
About this Dataset
Title | Trade Policy Information System (TPIS) |
Description | TPIS includes detailed current and historical trade data from various sources, including: detailed U.S. merchandise trade statistics (originating with the Bureau of the Census); trade statistics of over 170 countries (from the United Nations); and multi-country statistics on international finance, direction of trade, balance of payments and developing country debt (from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank). |
Modified | 2020-10-07 |
Publisher Name | International Trade Administration |
Contact | mailto:[email protected] |
Keywords | current , historical , partner , products , state , statistics , TPIS , trade |
{ "@type": "dcat:Dataset", "title": "Trade Policy Information System (TPIS)", "description": "TPIS includes detailed current and historical trade data from various sources, including: detailed U.S. merchandise trade statistics (originating with the Bureau of the Census); trade statistics of over 170 countries (from the United Nations); and multi-country statistics on international finance, direction of trade, balance of payments and developing country debt (from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank).", "keyword": [ "current", "historical", "partner", "products", "state", "statistics", "TPIS", "trade" ], "modified": "2020-10-07", "publisher": { "@type": "org:Organization", "name": "International Trade Administration" }, "contactPoint": { "@type": "vcard:Contact", "fn": "Anne Flatness", "hasEmail": "mailto:[email protected]" }, "identifier": "ITA-0015", "accessLevel": "public", "bureauCode": [ "006:002" ], "programCode": [ "006:002" ], "license": "http:\/\/\/publicdomain\/label\/1.0\/", "downloadURL": "http:\/\/", "accrualPeriodicity": "R\/P1M", "dataQuality": false, "language": [ "en-US" ] }