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Data underlying Optics Letters "Single-modulator, direct frequency comb spectroscopy via serrodyne modulation" DOI: 10.1364/OL.482597

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This is the data underlying Optics Letters publication "Single-modulator, direct frequency comb spectroscopy via serrodyne modulation"

Tags: Optical frequency comb,serrodyne,cavity optomechanics,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Simultaneous rheology and cure kinetics dictate thermal post-curing of thermoset composite resins for material extrusion

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Thermoset composite structures printed at room temperature using direct ink writing often collapse during thermal post-curing. This behavior suggests that the rheological properties that govern structural stability (i.e., storage modulus and/or yield stress) are sensitive to both temperature and conversion. The rheo-Raman instrument provides a way to directly link rheological properties, temperature, and conversion.

Tags: rheo-Raman,thermoset composite,yield stress fluid,cure kinetics,direct ink writing,thermal post-cure,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Quantifying the Effect of Guest Binding on Host Environment Associated Data

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

S-parameter, Matlab Analysis files for "Quantifying the Effect of Guest Binding on Host Environment Associated Data"Abstract:The environment around a host-guest complex is defined by of intermolecular interactions between solvent molecules and counter ions. These interactions govern both the solubility of these complexes and the rates of reactions confined within them11. Such noncovalent2 interactions between solvent molecules and ions are challenging to detect by standard analytical chemistry techniques.

Tags: Microwave Microfluidics,permittivity,loss,ionic conductivity,ion pairing,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

NIST DART-MS Forensics Database (is-CID)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The NIST DART-MS Forensics Database is an evaluated collection of in-source collisionally-induced dissociation (is-CID) mass spectra of compounds of interest to the forensics community (e.g. seized drugs, cutting agents, etc.). The is-CID mass spectra were collected using Direct Analysis in Real-Time (DART) Mass Spectrometry (MS), either by NIST scientists or by contributing agencies noted per compound. The database is provided as a general-purpose structure data file (.SDF).

Tags: Standard reference data,mass spectra,Ion Fragmentation,mass spectrometry,NIST Mass Spectral Libraries,Chemical Identification,Biosciences and Health,Security and Forensics,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Data for the manuscript: Integrating planar photonics for multi-beam generation and atomic clock packaging on chip.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Experimental and modeling data from the manuscript: 'Integrating planar photonics for multi-beam generation and atomic clock packaging on chip', C. Ropp, et.al., accepted for publication in Light: Science & Application, 2023.

Tags: integrated photonics,atomic clock,photonic-atomic interface,metasurfaces,extreme mode converters,hybrid integration,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Single-track laser scan cross-sectional micrographs on IN625 and IN718 bare plates with melt pool depth and width measurements

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Single-track laser scans were produced with Yb-fiber lasers on bare plates of IN625 and IN718 using three different laser powder bed fusion machines. The laser power, scan speed, and laser spot diameter varied. Tracks were cross-sectioned and metallographically prepared. Optical micrographs were taken on etched samples. Melt pool depth and width measurements were made on optical micrographs. The dataset includes optical micrographs and melt pool width and depth measurements.

Tags: melt pool,Laser Powder Bed Fusion,process maps,microstructure,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Data for manuscript: Beating thermal noise in a dynamic signal measurement by a nanofabricated cavity-optomechanical sensor.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

'Beating thermal noise in a dynamic signal measurement by a nanofabricated cavity-optomechanical sensor', Mingkang Wang, Diego J. Perez-Morelo, Georg Ramer, Georges Pavlidis, Jeffrey J. Schwartz, Liya Yu, Robert Ilic, Andrea Centrone, and Vladimir A. Aksyuk, Science Advances 9, eadf759, 2023.DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adf7595Thermal fluctuations often impose both fundamental and practical measurement limits on high-performance sensors, motivating the development of techniques that bypass the limitations imposed by thermal noise outside cryogenic environments.

Tags: Thermal noise,cavity optomechanical sensing,nanomechanical resonator,PTIR,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Data for "Preparing for 6G: Developing best practices and standards for industrial measurements of low-loss dielectrics"

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Data for "Preparing for 6G: Developing best practices and standards for industrial measurements of low-loss dielectrics"

Tags: Dielectrics,measurements,mmWave,Standard Reference Material,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Hestia Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide (FFCO2) Data Product -- NE corridor domain, Version 1.0 Beta, 0.01 degree grid

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The Hestia NE corridor version 1.0 Beta FFCO2 emissions data product represents emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels and cement production in 12 counties in the state of Maryland (6 counties), Virginia (5 counties), and District of Columbia from 2010 to 2015. The emissions are generated using a bottom-up/engineering approach and use the results generated by the Vulcan Project (version 3), an effort to quantify space/time-resolved FFCO2 emissions for the entire United States landscape, as the starting point for the more detailed Hestia analysis.

Tags: Greenhouse gas measurements and models,emission inventories,urban greenhouse gas domes,GHG concentration measurements,fossil fuel carbon dioxide,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Coherence-limited digital control of a superconducting qubit using a Josephson pulse generator at 3 K

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Most data generated are averaged heterodyne IQ voltages of a reflectometry of a superconducting cavity dispersively coupled to a transmon qubit, where the phase shift of the cavity probe tone is used to infer the qubit state. These data are collected while performing various parameter sweeps to track the qubit state evolution in response to various stimuli.There is also simulation data used to model qubit state evolution when driven with digital pulses.

Tags: Quantum computing,scalable,cryogenic control,Josephson junction (JJ),Single Flux Quantum (SFQ),transmon,superconductor,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0