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80 results found

SRM 1950 Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 1950 Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for validation of methods for determining metabolites such as fatty acids, electrolytes, vitamins, hormones, and amino acids in human plasma and similar materials. This SRM can also be used for comparison of measurement technologies used in metabolomic studies and for quality assurance when assigning values to in-house reference materials. This SRM is intended to represent "normal" human plasma.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,SRM 1950,human plasma,certified values,reference values,metabolites,Biosciences and Health,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 200b Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (Fertilizer Standard)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Standard Reference Material 200b Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KH2PO4) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is a highly purified and homogeneous lot of crystalline potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4). It is intended primarily for use as a working standard in the calibration and standardization of procedures employed in the fertilizer industry for the determination of potassium and phosphorus. A unit of SRM 200b consists of one bottle containing 90 g of crystalline potassium dihydrogen phosphate. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,fertilizer,potassium,phosphate,Environment and Climate,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2384 Baking Chocolate

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 2384 Baking Chocolate - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in validating methods for determining proximates, fatty acids, calories, vitamins, elements, catechins, caffeine, and theobromine in baking chocolate and similar matrices. This SRM can also be used for quality assurance when assigning values to in-house reference materials. The SRM is baking chocolate prepared from 100 % cocoa beans by a manufacturer of baking chocolate and consists of a single production lot.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,SRM 2384,baking chocolate,certified values,reference values,food,nutrition,Food and Nutrition,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2387 Peanut Butter

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 2387 Peanut Butter - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in validating methods for determining proximates, fatty acids, calories, vitamins, elements, amino acids, aflatoxins, and acrylamide in peanut butter and similar matrices. This SRM can also be used for quality assurance when assigning values to in-house reference materials. The SRM is a creamy peanut butter prepared by a manufacturer of peanut butter products. A unit of SRM 2387 consists of three jars of peanut butter containing 170 g each.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,SRM 2387,peanut butter,certified values,reference values,food,nutrition,Food and Nutrition,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2585 Organic Contaminants in House Dust

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 2585 Organic Contaminants in House Dust - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended for use in evaluating analytical methods for the determination of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, chlorinated pesticides, and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners in house dust and similar matrices. All of the constituents for which certified, reference, and information values are provided in SRM 2585 were naturally present in the dust material before processing.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,SRM 2585,House Dust,certified values,Environment and Climate,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2631a Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3000 µmol/mol)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is a primary gas mixture for which the amount-of-substance fraction, expressed as concentration, may be related to secondary working standards. This SRM is intended for the calibration of instruments used for nitric oxide determinations and for other applications. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,Nitric Oxide,Gas,Cylinder,environment,Environment and Climate,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2682c Subbituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Standard Reference Material 2682c Subbituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2682c consists of 50 g of subbituminous coal that was ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and then sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2683c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 2683c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques employed in the determination of sulfur, mercury, and chlorine in coal and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2683c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2684c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Standard Reference Material 2684c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2684c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal that was ground to pass a 212 µm (70 mesh) sieve, homogenized, packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and then sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2685c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 5 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2685c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal ground to pass a 250 ?m (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, and packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and sealed in an aluminized bag.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0