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SRM 1632e Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 1632e Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix.

Tags: Standard Reference Material,SRM,trace elements,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 1633c Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 1633c Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended for use in the evaluation of analytical methods for the determination of constituent elements in coal fly ash or materials of a similar matrix. SRM 1633c is a bituminous coal fly ash that was sieved through a nominal sieve opening of 74 µm (200 mesh) and then blended to assure homogeneity. A unit of SRM 1633c consists of 75 g of powdered material. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal fly ash,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,trace elements,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 1635a Trace Elements in Coal (Subbituminous)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 1635a Trace Elements in Coal (Subbituminous) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 1635a consists of 50 g of subbituminous coal that was ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, bottled under an argon atmosphere, and sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,trace elements,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2682c Subbituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Standard Reference Material 2682c Subbituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2682c consists of 50 g of subbituminous coal that was ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and then sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2683c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 2683c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques employed in the determination of sulfur, mercury, and chlorine in coal and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2683c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2684c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Standard Reference Material 2684c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2684c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal that was ground to pass a 212 µm (70 mesh) sieve, homogenized, packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and then sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2685c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 5 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques used in the analysis of coals and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2685c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal ground to pass a 250 ?m (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, and packaged in an amber glass bottle under an argon atmosphere, and sealed in an aluminized bag.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2692c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 1 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

SRM 2692c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 1 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques employed in the determination of sulfur, mercury, chlorine, and ash content in coal and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2692c consists of 50 g of bituminous coal ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, and packaged in an amber glass bottle. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

SRM 2693 Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Standard Reference Material 2693 Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur) - This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for use in the evaluation of techniques employed in the determination of sulfur, mercury, chlorine, and ash content in coal and materials of a similar matrix. A unit of SRM 2693 consists of 50 g of bituminous coal ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, and packaged in an amber glass bottle and then sealed in an aluminized bag. This data is public in the Certificate of Analysis for this material.

Tags: SRM,Standard Reference Material,coal,sulfur,mercury,chlorine,Energy,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

MAUD-Tutorial Files for "MAUD Rietveld Refinement Software for Neutron Diffraction Texture Studies of Single and Dual-Phase Materials"

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This data set contains files included in the detailed instructional demonstration paper submitted to Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. The detailed instructional demonstration paper includes documentation detailing how to configure and carry out a repeatable Rietveld Refinement with the software MAUD. The data set provides: diffraction data from two different neutron diffraction measurements, crystallographic information files, and configuration files for the refinement process.

Tags: additive manufacturing,rietveld refinement,Titanium alloys,neutron diffraction,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0