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20 results found

SRM 2970 Vitamin D Metabolites in Frozen Human Serum (25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 High Level) Data

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Electronic files containing certified values and their uncertainties, and the data used to assign those values.

Tags: vitamin D,25-hydroxyvitamin D,serum,mass spectrometry,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Interferents List

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

A table of known interferences for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances using mass spectrometry.

Tags: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances,PFAS,mass spectrometry,analytical chemistry,high-resolution mass spectrometry,HRMS,LC-MS/MS,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Construction of a Dual-enzyme, Subzero (-30 degree C) Chromatography System and Multi-channel Precision Temperature Controller for Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This tutorial provides mechanical drawings, electrical schematics, parts lists, STL files for 3D-printed parts, IGS files, and instructions for automated machining necessary for construction of a dual-protease, subzero, liquid chromatography system for hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. Electrical schematics for construction of a multi-zone temperature controller that regulate to ±0.1 oC are also included in this tutorial.

Tags: liquid chromatography,hydrogen-deuterium exchange,mass spectrometry,precision,peptide,protein,proteolysis,proteomics,reference material,temperature control.,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Development of a Tool to Determine the Variability of Consensus Mass Spectra Supporting Data

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Supporting datasets and algorithms (R-based) for the manuscript entitled "Development of a Tool to Determine the Variability of Consensus Mass Spectra", including an R Markdown script to reproduce the manuscript's figures.

Tags: mass spectrometry,uncertainty analysis,per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances,PFAS,reference mass spectrum,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

NIST DART-MS Forensics Database (is-CID)

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The NIST DART-MS Forensics Database is an evaluated collection of in-source collisionally-induced dissociation (is-CID) mass spectra of compounds of interest to the forensics community (e.g. seized drugs, cutting agents, etc.). The is-CID mass spectra were collected using Direct Analysis in Real-Time (DART) Mass Spectrometry (MS), either by NIST scientists or by contributing agencies noted per compound. The database is provided as a general-purpose structure data file (.SDF).

Tags: Standard reference data,mass spectra,Ion Fragmentation,mass spectrometry,NIST Mass Spectral Libraries,Chemical Identification,Biosciences and Health,Security and Forensics,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Dataset from HDX-MS Studies of IgG1 Glycoforms and Their Interactions with the Fc(gamma)RIa (CD64) Receptor

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This database gives hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) data from measurements of three purified IgG1 glycoform samples, predominantly G0F, G2F, and SAF, in isolation and in complexation with the high-affinity receptor, Fc(gamma)RIa (CD64). The IgG1 antibody used in this study, aIL8hFc, is a murine-human chimeric IgG1, which inhibits IL-8 binding to human neutrophils.

Tags: antibody-receptor interaction,chromatography,HDX-MS,hydrogen-deuterium exchange,glycosylation,mass spectrometry,monoclonal antibody,precision,peptide,protein,proteolysis,proteomics,receptor.,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) Centroid Data measured between 3.6 degrees C and 25.4 degrees C for the Fab Fragment of NISTmAb

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The spreadsheet file reported herein provides centroid data, descriptive of deuterium uptake, for the Fab Fragment of NISTmAb (PDB: 5K8A) reference material, as measured by the bottom-up hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) method. The protein sample was incubated in deuterium-rich solutions under uniform pH and salt concentrations between 3.6 degrees C and 25.4 degrees C for seven intervals ranging (0 to 14,400) s plus a control sample that simulates a Fab Fragment immersed for infinite time in D2O.

Tags: hydrogen-deuterium exchange,hydrogen exchange,HDX-MS,interlaboratory comparison,mass spectrometry,peptide,precision,proteomics,reference material,repeatability,reproducibility,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

MAM Consortium Interlaboratory Study Raw Data

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

These LC-MS and LC-MS/MS raw data were collected for purposes of an interlaboratory study evaluating the multi-attribute method (MAM). Tryptic digests of native NISTmAb (the "Reference" and the "Unknown" samples), degraded NISTmAb (the "pH Stress" sample) and NISTmAb spiked with 15 heavy-labeled synthetic peptides (the "Spike" sample) were sent to each participating laboratory. One injection of each digest was acquired in MS-only mode, while a second injection was acquired in MS/MS mode.

Tags: attribute analytics,interlaboratory study,multi-attribute method,MAM Consortium,mass spectrometry,new peak detection,NPD,purity testing,round robin,targeted analytics,NISTmAb,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

Supplemental Data and Source Code for ILSA Research

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Source code associated with the Inverted Library Search Algorithm (ILSA) for identifying mixture components using is-CID mass spectra. This source code is frozen to accompany the manuscript titled "Updates to the Inverted Library Search Algorithm for mixture analysis" by Moorthy et. al.

Tags: mass spectrometry,Mixture Analysis,Search Algorithms,seized drug analysis,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0

FCpy: Feldman-Cousins Confidence Interval Calculator

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Python scripts and Python+Qt graphical user interface for calculating Feldman-Cousins confidence intervals for low-count Poisson processes in the presence of a known background and for Gaussian processes with a physical lower limit of 0.

Tags: python,SIMS,statistics,mass spectrometry,Confidence Interval,CI,Feldman,Cousins,Poisson,Gaussian,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Views: 0