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742 results found
Timing Offset and Timing Stability for a Dual-Clock Channel Sounder
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This project is anticipated to generate Working Data, Derived Data, and Published Results. Working Data will comprise raw measurement information from channel sounder instruments or oscilloscopes. Our channel sounder records data in National Instruments proprietary binary (.tdms) format. Oscilloscope measurements will be recorded as ASCII spreadsheet (.csv) formats. Also among working data will be human-readable files containing experimental configurations and conditions for the collection of channel sounding data. These data are stored as spreadsheet (.xlsx) files.
Tags: 5G technology; channel sounder; millimeter-wave wireless communication; propagation channel; system timing,Time Allan Deviation; timing errors; timing noise; timing offset; wireless system.,
Modified: 2024-02-22
2D Measurement of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Function Using Quantitative Bright-Field Microscopy
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Induced Retinal Pigment Epithelial (iRPE) implants were developed from two healthy donors (Healthy-1 and Healthy-2). Live iRPE were imaged using quantitative bright-field absorbance microscopy (QBAM) every week during the in vitro maturation process. The data are organized by the culture plate, imaging date and time, color filter used to capture the images, and finally images that include the well ID and grid position in the name of the image.
Tags: computational science in biological metrology,artificial intelligence based modeling,convolutional neural networks,image processing,bright-field microscopy,retinal pigment epithelial implants,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Process and robot data from a two robot workcell representative performing representative manufacturing operations.
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This data set is captured from a robot workcell that is performing activities representative of several manufacturing operations. The workcell contains two, 6-degree-of-freedom robot manipulators where one robot is performing material handling operations (e.g., transport parts into and out of a specific work space) while the other robot is performing a simulated precision operation (e.g., the robot touching the center of a part with a tool tip that leaves a mark on the part). This precision operation is intended to represent a precise manufacturing operation (e.g., welding, machining).
Tags: Condition Monitoring,diagnostics,robotics,manufacturing,prognostics,Workcell,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Large-Signal-Network-Analyzer Phase Calibration on an Arbitrary Grid
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Data used to generate figures in Large-Signal-Network-Analyzer Phase Calibration on an Arbitrary Grid.
Tags: phase calibration,oscilloscope,arbitrary waveform generator,vector network analyzer,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Vimeo Creative Commons Collection (V3C2)
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The V3C2 dataset (drawn from a larger V3C video dataset) is composed of 9760 Vimeo videos (1.6 TB, 1300 h) with Creative Commons licenses and mean duration of 8 min. All videos will have some metadata available e.g., title, keywords, and description in json files. The dataset has been segmented into 1,425,454 short video segments according to the provided master shot boundary files. In addition, Keyframes and thumbnails per video segment have been extracted and available. For more details, please consult the TRECVID website:
Tags: TRECTRECVID video searchcontent-based video retrieval,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Vimeo Creative Commons Collection (V3C1)
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The V3C1 dataset (drawn from a larger V3C video dataset) is composed of 7475 Vimeo videos (1.3 TB, 1000 h) with Creative Commons licenses and mean duration of 8 min. All videos will have some metadata available e.g., title, keywords, and description in json files. The dataset has been segmented into 1,082,659 short video segments according to the provided master shot boundary files. In addition, Keyframes and thumbnails per video segment have been extracted and available.
Tags: TRECTRECVID video searchcontent-based video retrieval,
Modified: 2024-02-22
X-ray Metrology for the Semiconductor Industry Tutorial
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Video tutorials from NIST workshop on X-ray metrology for the semiconductor industry
Tags: Semiconductor metrology,dimensional metrology,small angle x-ray scattering,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Access Time Analysis of MCPTT Off-Network Mode over LTE
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Summary of analytical estimates and simulation results that are used to generate figures in a paper titled "Access Time Analysis of MCPTT Off-Network Mode over LTE". The paper was submitted to the special issue "Emergency Networks and Future Public Safety Systems" of journal "Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing" on November 30, 2018.
Tags: Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT),Access Time,Proximity Services,Off-Network Mode,Direct Mode,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) Tool
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The Smart Manufacturing Systems Readiness Level (SMSRL) focuses on evaluating the readiness (also can be viewed as maturity) for a factory to undergo improvements, particularly related to the data intensive smart manufacturing technology deployment in a factory. The SMSRL uses the Factory Design and Improvement (FDI) activity model as a guide for indicating actions and things that should be in place for performing a successful smart factory transformation at the operational level.
Tags: factory design,manufacturing operation,improvement,smart manufacturing,maturity assessment,readiness assessment,
Modified: 2024-02-22
MESA Manufacturing Operation Management Maturity Assessment Tool
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
MESA MOM/CMM (Manufacturing Operations Management / Capability Maturity Model) Assessment Tool is a questionnaire-based tool designed to help evaluate maturity and readiness of manufacturing enterprises from the factory operation management perspective. Based on level 3 of ISA-95: Part 1 MOM processes, MOM/CMM defines evaluation criteria for four operational areas namely, productions operations management, quality operations management, inventory operations management and maintenance operations management.
Tags: manufacturing operation management,MESA,ISA-95,IEC 62264,maturity model,assessment,
Modified: 2024-02-22