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Raw data from NIST-led interlaboratory study on the working curve in vat photopolymerization
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Raw data from interlaboratory study on the working curve (Link to publication here: ). Each dataset has a header indicating the nominal wavelength and intensity of the light engine used to measure the working curve. Each file contains paired radiant exposure (in units of mJ/cm2) and cure depth (in units of µm) measurements provided by participants.
Tags: vat photopolymerization,stereolithography,jacob's equation,additive manufacturing,digital light processing,
Modified: 2024-09-06
AM Bench 2022: Cross sectional microstructure of single laser tracks produced using different processing conditions and 2D arrays of laser tracks (pads) on solid plates of nickel alloy 718
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The following data files include microstructure measurement results associated with the 2022 Additive Manufacturing Benchmark test series (AM Bench 2022) AMB2022-03 set of benchmarks. These AMB2022-03 benchmarks explore a range of individual and overlapping melt pool behaviors using individual laser tracks and 2D arrays of laser tracks (pads) on solid metal IN718 plates. For the individual laser tracks, a range of laser parameters was used, with variations in laser power, speed, and spot diameter.
Tags: additive manufacturing,benchmarks,AM Bench 2022,LPBF,EBSD,EDS,
Modified: 2024-09-06