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Raw data from NIST-led interlaboratory study on the working curve in vat photopolymerization
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Raw data from interlaboratory study on the working curve (Link to publication here: ). Each dataset has a header indicating the nominal wavelength and intensity of the light engine used to measure the working curve. Each file contains paired radiant exposure (in units of mJ/cm2) and cure depth (in units of µm) measurements provided by participants.
Tags: vat photopolymerization,stereolithography,jacob's equation,additive manufacturing,digital light processing,
Modified: 2024-09-06
Process-structure-properties investigations for laser powder bed fused IN718 in the as-built condition
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This data repository provides a central location for a body of work using one build of nickel-based alloy 718 (IN718) material and resulted in three different studies. The IN718 parts were manufactured by laser powder bed fusion using a range of laser energy densities (manipulation of processing variables) and orientations with respect to the build direction. The influence of processing variables on resulting grain structures, pore structures, and mechanical properties were studied in the as-built (not heat treated) condition.
Tags: additive manufacturing,Laser Powder Bed Fusion,Inconel 718,High-cycle fatigue life,Fractography,surface roughness,microstructure,defects,porosity,Tensile properties,Characterization,Ductile fracture,x-ray computed tomography,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Additive Manufacturing Profile
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contains associated data for the manuscript "Layered Security Guidance for Data Asset Management in Additive Manufacturing" by Fahad Milaat and Joshua Lubell. The associated data is the source of the OSCAL representations in Section 4 of the manuscript.
Tags: additive manufacturing,cybersecurity framework,Asset Management,Profile,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Additive Manufacturing Benchmark 2022 Schema
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This resource is the implementation in XML Schema [1] of a data model that describes the Additive Manufacturing Benchmark 2022 series data. It provides a robust set of metadata for the build processes and their resulting specimens and for measurements made on these in the context of the AM Bench 2022 project.The schema was designed to support typical science questions which users of a database with metadata about the AM Bench results might wish to pose.
Tags: data model,additive manufacturing,build plate,material composition,laser absorptivity,radiography,mechanical testing,
Modified: 2024-02-22
AM Bench 2018 Residual Elastic Strain Measurements of 3D Additive Manufacturing Builds of IN625 Artifacts Using Neutron Diffraction and Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The development of large residual elastic strains and stresses during laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) additive manufacturing is one of the most significant barriers to widespread adoption. Accurate modeling of these strains and stresses is broadly recognized as an effective tool for mitigating these challenges, but rigorous validation data are needed. This data publication includes measurement data from diffraction-based characterizations of residual elastic strains in as-built (not heat treated) artifacts manufactured as part the the 2018 Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Series (AM Bench).
Tags: additive manufacturing,AM Bench,LPBF,Residual Stress,residual strain,neutron diffraction,synchrotron X-ray diffraction,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Effects of as-built surface with varying number of contour passes on high-cycle fatigue behavior of additively manufactured nickel alloy 718
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Abstract (from the manuscript): High cycle fatigue life of laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) parts depends on several factors; as-built surfaces, when present, are a particular concern. This work measures as-built L-PBF surfaces with X-ray computed tomography, and uses rotating beam fatigue (RBF) testing to measure high cycle fatigue life. Surfaces with different, but consistent, characteristics are achieved by build in vertical specimens and changing only the number of contour passes.
Tags: additive manufacturing,Laser Powder Bed Fusion,Rotating beam fatigue,Nickel alloy 718,As-built,surface roughness,
Modified: 2024-02-22
AM Bench 2022: Cross sectional microstructure of single laser tracks produced using different processing conditions and 2D arrays of laser tracks (pads) on solid plates of nickel alloy 718
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
The following data files include microstructure measurement results associated with the 2022 Additive Manufacturing Benchmark test series (AM Bench 2022) AMB2022-03 set of benchmarks. These AMB2022-03 benchmarks explore a range of individual and overlapping melt pool behaviors using individual laser tracks and 2D arrays of laser tracks (pads) on solid metal IN718 plates. For the individual laser tracks, a range of laser parameters was used, with variations in laser power, speed, and spot diameter.
Tags: additive manufacturing,benchmarks,AM Bench 2022,LPBF,EBSD,EDS,
Modified: 2024-09-06
A Data-Driven Approach to Complex Voxel Predictions in Grayscale Digital Light Processing Additive Manufacturing Using U-nets and Generative Adversarial Networks
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Digital light processing (DLP) vat photopolymerization (VP) additive manufacturing (AM) uses patterned UV light to selectively cure a liquid photopolymer into a solid layer. Subsequent layers are printed on to preceding layers to eventually form a desired 3 dimensional (3D) part. This data set characterizes the 3D geometry of a single layer of voxels (volume pixels) printed with photomasks assigned random intensity levels at every pixel. The masks are computer generated, then printed onto a glass cover slide.
Tags: 3D printing,additive manufacturing,machine learning,generative adversarial network,Photopolymer,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Supporting Info for Synergistic Fire Resistance of Nanobrick Wall Coated 3D Printed Photopolymer Lattices
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Videos and .stl files from Synergistic Fire Resistance of Nanobrick Wall Coated 3D Printed Photopolymer Lattices.The videos are from the fire tests of 3D printed photopolymer parts, from which time series still images were acquired. In these tests, printed parts (with or without a nanocoating) are subjected to direct blowtorch exposure until part failure (defined as when the part shatters). Most videos include time after torch removal while the part continues to burn.The .stl files are the files used to 3D print the parts studied in this work.
Tags: Fire protection,layer-by-layer,additive manufacturing,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Hot-wire anemometer gas speed measurements in a commercial laser powder bed fusion machine
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gas speed measurements using hot-wire anemometers (HWA) on a commercial laser powder bed fusion (LBPF) machine were recorded as a function of position (X, Y, Z) and nozzle type (standard and grid).
Tags: additive manufacturing,gas flow,anemometer,machine qualification,
Modified: 2024-02-22