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742 results found
pyMCR: A Python Library for Multivariate Curve Resolution Analysis.
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
pyMCR is an open-source software library for performing multivariate curve resolution (MCR) analysis with an alternating regression scheme (MCR-AR). MCR is a chemometric method for elucidating signatures of analytes and their relative abundance from a series of mixture measurements, without any knowledge of these values a priori. This software library, written in Python, enables users to perform MCR analysis with their choice of constraints, regressors, and error functions to minimize. Further, users can apply different constraints and regressors for signature and abundance calculations.
Tags: chemometrics,endmember extraction,multivariate curve resolution,quantitative analysis,spectral unmixing,
Modified: 2024-02-22
A Dataset Associated with NIST TN Review of Smart Grid Standards for Testing and Certification Landscape Analysis
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset is associated with NIST TN publication: Review of Smart Grid Standards for Testing and Certification (T&C) landscape analysis. It includes a list of 240 reviewed smart grid standards for T&C landscape analysis using a set of functional metrics that include information models and model mapping, communication protocols and protocol mapping, device physical performance, test method, guide and practice, and cybersecurity of standards. These functional metrics are used to analyze smart grid standards and their T&C program availability.
Tags: conformity assessment,interoperability,metrics,smart grid,standards,testing and certification (T&C).,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Optimal Dynamic Spectrum Access Scheme for Utilizing White Space in LTE Systems
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset contains results of our simulation experiments carried out for the Optimal Dynamic Spectrum Access Scheme to utilize white space in LTE Systems. The results were published in the proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2019 with the title "Optimal Dynamic Spectrum Access Scheme for Utilizing White Space in LTE Systems". One set of data belongs to output of experiments run against LTE data captured in our lab and corresponds to various configurations used in our experiment (please see the paper for different configuration).
Tags: LTE; dynamic spectrum access; white space utilization; probability of interference,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Analytical Modeling of White Space Utilization for a Dynamic Spectrum Access System
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset contains the result from simulation experiments carried out for our study of analytical modeling of white space utilization for a Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) system. It contains the data for the results obtained while comparing analytical and simulated white space utilization (WSU) for synthetic data. It also contains Q-Q plot data which was used to show that the data collected from the metro Philadelphia area is approximately exponentially distributed. It has the histogram of channel 15 and 16 of Philadelphia LTE uplink data.
Tags: LTE; dynamic spectrum access; white space utilization,
Modified: 2024-02-22
A Practical Approach to Placing Coastal Sensors for Spectrum Sharing in the 3.5 GHz Band
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset contains the results of simulated deployments of Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) sensors along the coasts of the contiguous United States in the 3.5 GHz band. Commercial-federal spectrum sharing in the 3.5 GHz band requires the ESC sensors to detect federal incumbent shipborne radar in order to protect it from harmful interference from commercial users. We use existing tower sites as candidate locations for the sensors and the Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) in point-to-point mode to compute the path loss.
Tags: 3.5 GHz; CBRS; Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) sensor; radar; Dynamic Protection Area (DPA),
Modified: 2024-02-22
Data for "Quantum gate teleportation between separated qubits in a trapped-ion processor"
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Data for "Quantum gate teleportation between separated qubits in a trapped-ion processor"
Tags: quantum gate teleportation,trapped ions,scalable quantum computing,
Modified: 2024-02-22
pyLLE: a Fast and User Friendly Lugiato-Lefever Equation Solver
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
We present the development of pyLLE, a freely accessible Lugiato-Lefever equation solver programmed in Python and Julia and optimized for the simulation of microresonator frequency combs. Examples illustrating its operation and performance are presented.
Tags: photonics,optics,frequency combs,python,julia,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Molybdenum k-shell xray emission spectrum
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This data set consist of rebinned data, with and without efficiency corrections, from the kl, km, and kn emission lines of the molybdenum x-ray spectrum.
Tags: x-ray,xray,molybdenum,k-alpha,emission spectrum,SI,traceable,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Throughput Analysis between Unicast and MBSFN from Link Level to System Level
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
Summary of analytical estimates and simulation results that are used to generate figures in a paper titled "Throughput Analysis between Unicast and MBSFN from Link Level to System Level". The paper is to be submitted to 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference.
Tags: BLER curves,CQI,LTE,MBSFN,MIMO,public safety broadband network,unicast,
Modified: 2024-02-22
Process Monitoring Dataset from the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT): 3D Scan Strategies
Data provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology
This dataset includes the files pertaining to a 3D additive manufacturing build performed on the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT) by Ho Yeung on July 8, 2018. The files include the input command files and in-situ process monitoring data, and metadata.
Tags: additive manufacturing; laser powder bed fusion; process monitoring; melt pool imaging;,
Modified: 2024-02-22