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742 results found

Activation loop plasticity and active site coupling in the MAP kinase, ERK2: Supplementary Data, Trajectories, and Scripts

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using the GPU-enabled CUDA version of the pmemd executable (pmemd.cuda) in AMBER were applied to explore the structure and dymanics of MAPK, ERK2. The role of dual phosphorylation was explored by comparing 0P-ERK2 with 2P-ERK2 (two phosphate groups added at T183 and Y185). Both 0P-ERK2 and 2P-ERK2 models were treated with the ff19SB forcefield immersed in a solution of 0.15 M NaCl in OPC water. The results showed that the A-loop can adopt multiple long-lived (>5 microseconds) conformational states.

Tags: molecular dynamics,allostery,Kinase,Activation Loop,ERK2,Phosphorylation,MAPK Signaling,

Modified: 2024-02-22

System-Level Evaluation of 5G NR UE-Based Relays

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This data set corresponds to the results presented in the paper entitled "System-Level Evaluation of 5G NR UE-Based Relays", to appear in the proceeding of the 2023 IEEE Military Communications Conference.

Tags: system-level,simulation,UE-based relays,Sidelink,5G,NR,

Modified: 2024-02-22

A Sensitivity Analysis of Methodological Variables Associated with Microbiome Measurements

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This repository provides the raw data, analysis code, and results generated during a systematic evaluation of the impact of selected experimental protocol choices on the metagenomic sequencing analysis of microbiome samples. Briefly, a full factorial experimental design was implemented varying biological sample (n=5), operator (n=2), lot (n=2), extraction kit (n=2), 16S variable region (n=2), and reference database (n=3), and the main effects were calculated and compared between parameters (bias effects) and samples (real biological differences).

Tags: microbiome,metagenomic sequencing,full factorial,design of experiments,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Dynamic compressive stress-strain curves of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 with rapid heating

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This dataset contains raw mechanical data (strain, stress and strain rate curvesand initial temperatures) for compression experiments performed on aluminum alloy 6061-T6using the NIST pulse-heated Kolsky Bar at strain rates between 2400 1/s and 2700 1/s and initialtemperatures from 23 °C to 527 °C and heating times ranging between 0.2 s and 3.5 s. At this time,the thermal history of the specimen during heating is not included in the dataset but this informationmay be included in a future update.

Tags: metals,mechanical properties,high heating rate,High Strain Rate,experiments,simulations,modeling,advanced manufacturing,machining,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Data backing figures in “Nanosecond time-resolved dual-comb absorption spectroscopy"

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Data for "Nanosecond time-resolved dual-comb absorption spectroscopy." Each file contains the data behind the figure in its title.

Tags: optical frequency combs,chemical dynamics,optics,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Mid-infrared supermirrors with finesse exceeding 400 000

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

Data from peer-reviewed publication: G.-W. Truong et al., Mid-infrared supermirrors with finesse exceeding 400 000, Nature Communications. For trace gas sensing and precision spectroscopy, optical cavities incorporating low-loss mirrors are indispensable for path length and optical intensity enhancement. Optical interference coatings in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) spectral regions have achieved total optical losses below 2 parts per million (ppm), enabling a cavity finesse in excess of 1 million.

Tags: mid-infrared,optical interference coatings,mirrors,process gas analysis,greenhouse gases,cavity ring-down spectroscopy,optical metrology,

Modified: 2024-02-22

"cookiecutter-nist-python": A template for python packages with NIST specific features.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The "cookiecutter-nist-python" template includes all NIST specific branding for creating a pythonpackage. Features include: Testing with pytest. Isolated testing, documentation building, etc, with nox. Linting with pre-commit.Documentation with Sphinx, MyST, using either the furo or sphinx-book-theme theme.Simple commands to upload package to pypi, or a personal conda channel. Simple commands to release documentation to nist-pages.Works with both conda and virtualenv based environments.

Tags: Python template,python packaging,software development,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Data for "Multi-frequency Antenna Metrology with Sparse Measurements", to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation or IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This dataset contains CSV files for the figures in the paper titled "Multi-frequency Antenna Metrology with Sparse Measurements", to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation or IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. In this paper, we derive and experiment with approaches to use compressive sensing for multifrequency antenna radiation pattern measurements when samples are taken on a spherical domain. In particular, we develop sparsity and low-rank compressive sensing approaches and compare them for a simulated horn antenna.

Tags: acoustic fields; antenna characterization; compressive sampling; compressive sensing; far-field pattern near-field pattern; sparse signal processing; Legendre polynomials; Wigner D-functions; low-rank matrices;,

Modified: 2024-02-22

Process-structure-properties investigations for laser powder bed fused IN718 in the as-built condition

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

This data repository provides a central location for a body of work using one build of nickel-based alloy 718 (IN718) material and resulted in three different studies. The IN718 parts were manufactured by laser powder bed fusion using a range of laser energy densities (manipulation of processing variables) and orientations with respect to the build direction. The influence of processing variables on resulting grain structures, pore structures, and mechanical properties were studied in the as-built (not heat treated) condition.

Tags: additive manufacturing,Laser Powder Bed Fusion,Inconel 718,High-cycle fatigue life,Fractography,surface roughness,microstructure,defects,porosity,Tensile properties,Characterization,Ductile fracture,x-ray computed tomography,

Modified: 2024-02-22

"pyproject2conda": A script to convert `pyproject.toml` dependencies to `environemnt.yaml` files.

Data provided by  National Institute of Standards and Technology

The main goal of `pyproject2conda` is to provide a means to keep all basicdependency information, for both `pip` based and `conda` based environments, in`pyproject.toml`. I often use a mix of pip and conda when developing packages,and in my everyday workflow. Some packages just aren't available on both. The application provides a simple comment based syntax to add information to dependencies when creating `environment.yaml`. This package is actively used by the author, but is still very much a work inprogress.

Tags: python,devoloper tool,python packaging,

Modified: 2024-02-22